Kooks Burritos Controversy - Images
Jordan Peterson's Tweet

Kooks Burritos Controversy
Christina Hoff Sommers' Tweet

Kooks Burritos Controversy
"It's only cute, exotic and trendy when white girls do it" - @SelaSmella

Kooks Burritos Controversy
Leslie Mac's Tweet

Kooks Burritos Controversy
"We regret to inform you the burritos are racist"

Kooks Burritos Controversy
Willamette Week's Tweet

Kooks Burritos Controversy
White women's burrito shop is forced to close after being hounded with accusations it was "culturally appropriating Mexican food and jobs"
Kooks Burritos Controversy
@rjhopjr's "#PoliteWhiteSupremacy" Tweet

Kooks Burritos Controversy