Lindsay Ellis' "Mask Off" Video - Images
You know, because of your eyes...?

Lindsay Ellis' "Mask Off" Video
PSY Fan Club

Lindsay Ellis' "Mask Off" Video
I think it's downright hilarious that Lindsay Ellis is getting cancelled for this.

Lindsay Ellis' "Mask Off" Video
"Lindsay Ellis is racist"

Lindsay Ellis' "Mask Off" Video
Lindsay wasn't cancelled. She got ratio'd.

Lindsay Ellis' "Mask Off" Video
Wh1te youtuber logic

Lindsay Ellis' "Mask Off" Video
Lindsay is still centering herself in a discussion of anti-asian racism

Lindsay Ellis' "Mask Off" Video
Lindsay using her fingers to pull back her eyes

Lindsay Ellis' "Mask Off" Video

Lindsay Ellis' "Mask Off" Video
The Lindsay L

Lindsay Ellis' "Mask Off" Video
blockbusted pod

Lindsay Ellis' "Mask Off" Video
Elaine Ho

Lindsay Ellis' "Mask Off" Video
Roslyn Talusan

Lindsay Ellis' "Mask Off" Video
Ellis tweet

Lindsay Ellis' "Mask Off" Video