Mass Effect 3 Endings Reception - Images

Mass Effect 3 Endings Reception
![Mass Effect masseffect @edinboro v We're happy to hear you liked the characters of #MassEffect31 Any favorites? James 【HAll:0]3.11] Edinboro V @masseffect Garrus was definitely awesome. Easily the best. Still no word on any color blind settings for ME3 though? Hide conversation 4:41 PM- 14 Mar 12 via web Details Mass Effect @masseffect @edinboro v We love Garrus, but those calibrations... Will mention color blind settings to the devs, thanks for the feedback! Close 4:45 PM 14 Mar 12 via HootSuite Details James NSORE @masseffect Thanks. I was only getting one ending. Hide conversation 4:45 PM 14 Mar 12 via web Details Reply Delete ★ Favorite FULLOF WIN!](
![Mass Effect masseffect @edinboro v We're happy to hear you liked the characters of #MassEffect31 Any favorites? James 【HAll:0]3.11] Edinboro V @masseffect Garrus was definitely awesome. Easily the best. Still no word on any color blind settings for ME3 though? Hide conversation 4:41 PM- 14 Mar 12 via web Details Mass Effect @masseffect @edinboro v We love Garrus, but those calibrations... Will mention color blind settings to the devs, thanks for the feedback! Close 4:45 PM 14 Mar 12 via HootSuite Details James NSORE @masseffect Thanks. I was only getting one ending. Hide conversation 4:45 PM 14 Mar 12 via web Details Reply Delete ★ Favorite FULLOF WIN!](
Mass Effect 3 Endings Reception
Don't believe his lies

Mass Effect 3 Endings Reception
Game Over

Mass Effect 3 Endings Reception

Mass Effect 3 Endings Reception

Mass Effect 3 Endings Reception

Mass Effect 3 Endings Reception
![d of the mass effect png (154 KB, 209x315) iadb google 88 □ Anonymous 03/15/12(Thu)00:28 No.1 32667590 [ ! ] The story thus far: Frodo Baggins has launched a desperate quest against impossible odds to take the One Ring to Mount Doom in Mordor and there destroy it, thus freeing of iddle Earth from the terrible threat of the Dark Lord Sauron. Now, with the very end of his journey in sight, he is accompanied by his faithful companion Samwise Gamgee. Though they are not with him, all his other friends and allies he has gathered in his long journey have provoked a hopeless battle against the overwhelming might of Sauron's armies in front of the Black Gates of Mordor in an effort to hold them at bay long enough for Frodo to complete his mission. With the entrance to Mount Doom a mere few steps away, the villain Gollum reappears. As Samwise engages him in combat, Frodo moves on, now utterly alone. Wounded and weary but carried by grim determination, he enters Mount Doomm SCENE: THE INTERIOR OF MOUNT DOOM MASS and finally collapses, his injuries and burdens too much to bear. And there he might have remained, if not for a sudden unfamiliar voice UNFAMILIAR VOICE: Wake up, Frodo Baggins Frodo forces open his weary eyes and found himself looking upon a ghostly image of Bill, the pony he was forced to abandon outside the gates of Moria so long ago EFFECT UNFAMILIAR VOICE (BILL THE GHOST): Why have you come? FRODO: I have come to destroy the ring and defeat Sauron! BILL THE GHOST: Foolish hobbit. Sauron cannot be defeated. I created him, to kill all the mortal races whenever they threaten earth with overpopulation [-] □ Anonymous 03/15/12(Thu)00:28 No.1326676231 ! ] >>132668608 FRODO: But... I must stop him BILL THE GHOST: Sauron is eternal. And yet... no one has ever made it this far. Perhaps now it is time for change Bill gestures with a hoof further into the interior of mount doom. There, a narrow ledge extends into the very heart of the volcano. Molten lava bubbles below. Sitting on the ledge are a wooden chest, painted green and an ornate vase, painted blue BILL THE GHOST: I will leave the choice in your hands. Cast the ring into the fires of Mount Doom, and it shall be destroyed. Sauron, his orcs, and his ringwraiths shall be forever ended but, as you were wounded by the weapon of the wraiths, so shall you. Also all elves will die, because they are related to orcs BILL THE GHOST: You may instead place the ring in the blue vase. If you do so, you shall become the new dark Lord of the Rings, with mmand of all the armies of sauron. You may send them away, but they will some day return BILL THE GHOST: Lastly, you may lock the ring in the green chest. If you do so, by ancient magic all the mortal race I become half-orc, and all the orcs shall become half-hobbit. Sauron and his wraiths will withdraw from this world forever Frodo briefly contemplates these three choices FRODO: None of those sound like good options, but I'm going to do what I came here to do Frodo strides forward and tosses the ring into the fires of mount doom. The volcano violently explodes, engulfing Frodo in the blast Anonymous 03/15/12(Thu)00:29 No. 132667676 [! 132668608 SCENE: THE BLACK GATES OF MORDOR The men of Gondor and Rohan battle ferociously against the orcs and trolls of Mordor. Suddenly, the shock waves of a tremendous explosion pass through the battlefield. As the men raise their swords and cheer the orcs and trolls fall over dead SCENE: MIDDLE EARTH, AS SEEN FROM SPACE Mount Doom explodes in a brilliant ball of red fire. Fissures in the earth open [NOTE: THE DVD CONTAINS TWO ALTERNATE VERSIONS OF THIS SCENE IN WHICH FRODO MAKES A DIFFERENT CHOICE WITH THE RING AND THE LAVA IS BLUE OR GREEN] spr eading rivers of lava all across the land SCENE: A SMALL ELVEN BOAT ON THE OPEN SEA Peregrin Took frantically paddles the boat. He looks over his shoulder behind him, where a tidal wave of water and cooling lava pursue the tiny craft. He paddles with all his might but eventually the wave catches the boat and overturns it SCENE: A JUNGLE ISLAND The wreck of the elven boat lies overturned on the shore. Peregrin Took crawls out from underneath it, followed by Samwise Gamgee and Gimli the Dwarf. They look up into the sky and smile thoughtfully END CREDITS AFTER CREDITS SCENE: A MODERN CHILD'S BEDROOM A young boy sits in bed. A kindly old man sits in a chair next to him, and, as the scene begins, he closes a copy of The Lord of the Rings Anonymous 03/15/12(Thu)00:29 No. 132667736 [ ! ] >>132668608 OLD MAN: The End BOY: Hold it! Hold it! Grandpa, you read that wrong. Frodo doesn't die, he lives. I'm just sure of it...after all he did for Middle Earth, if he didn't live, it wouldn't be fair. OLD MAN: Well who says life is fair? Where is that written? Life isn't always fair BOY: I'm telling you, you're messing up the story! How did Samwise get on the boat? What happened to Aragorn, and Legolas? Did the rivers of lava destroy Minas Tirith, and the Shire? OLD MAN: You know, you've been very sick and you're taking this story very seriously. I think we'd better stop now BOY: I'm sorry. Okay. Grandpa, will you read me one more story? OLD MAN: well, all right The old man reaches into his bag and pulls out a copy of The Hobbit OLD MAN: That'll be $9.99](
![d of the mass effect png (154 KB, 209x315) iadb google 88 □ Anonymous 03/15/12(Thu)00:28 No.1 32667590 [ ! ] The story thus far: Frodo Baggins has launched a desperate quest against impossible odds to take the One Ring to Mount Doom in Mordor and there destroy it, thus freeing of iddle Earth from the terrible threat of the Dark Lord Sauron. Now, with the very end of his journey in sight, he is accompanied by his faithful companion Samwise Gamgee. Though they are not with him, all his other friends and allies he has gathered in his long journey have provoked a hopeless battle against the overwhelming might of Sauron's armies in front of the Black Gates of Mordor in an effort to hold them at bay long enough for Frodo to complete his mission. With the entrance to Mount Doom a mere few steps away, the villain Gollum reappears. As Samwise engages him in combat, Frodo moves on, now utterly alone. Wounded and weary but carried by grim determination, he enters Mount Doomm SCENE: THE INTERIOR OF MOUNT DOOM MASS and finally collapses, his injuries and burdens too much to bear. And there he might have remained, if not for a sudden unfamiliar voice UNFAMILIAR VOICE: Wake up, Frodo Baggins Frodo forces open his weary eyes and found himself looking upon a ghostly image of Bill, the pony he was forced to abandon outside the gates of Moria so long ago EFFECT UNFAMILIAR VOICE (BILL THE GHOST): Why have you come? FRODO: I have come to destroy the ring and defeat Sauron! BILL THE GHOST: Foolish hobbit. Sauron cannot be defeated. I created him, to kill all the mortal races whenever they threaten earth with overpopulation [-] □ Anonymous 03/15/12(Thu)00:28 No.1326676231 ! ] >>132668608 FRODO: But... I must stop him BILL THE GHOST: Sauron is eternal. And yet... no one has ever made it this far. Perhaps now it is time for change Bill gestures with a hoof further into the interior of mount doom. There, a narrow ledge extends into the very heart of the volcano. Molten lava bubbles below. Sitting on the ledge are a wooden chest, painted green and an ornate vase, painted blue BILL THE GHOST: I will leave the choice in your hands. Cast the ring into the fires of Mount Doom, and it shall be destroyed. Sauron, his orcs, and his ringwraiths shall be forever ended but, as you were wounded by the weapon of the wraiths, so shall you. Also all elves will die, because they are related to orcs BILL THE GHOST: You may instead place the ring in the blue vase. If you do so, you shall become the new dark Lord of the Rings, with mmand of all the armies of sauron. You may send them away, but they will some day return BILL THE GHOST: Lastly, you may lock the ring in the green chest. If you do so, by ancient magic all the mortal race I become half-orc, and all the orcs shall become half-hobbit. Sauron and his wraiths will withdraw from this world forever Frodo briefly contemplates these three choices FRODO: None of those sound like good options, but I'm going to do what I came here to do Frodo strides forward and tosses the ring into the fires of mount doom. The volcano violently explodes, engulfing Frodo in the blast Anonymous 03/15/12(Thu)00:29 No. 132667676 [! 132668608 SCENE: THE BLACK GATES OF MORDOR The men of Gondor and Rohan battle ferociously against the orcs and trolls of Mordor. Suddenly, the shock waves of a tremendous explosion pass through the battlefield. As the men raise their swords and cheer the orcs and trolls fall over dead SCENE: MIDDLE EARTH, AS SEEN FROM SPACE Mount Doom explodes in a brilliant ball of red fire. Fissures in the earth open [NOTE: THE DVD CONTAINS TWO ALTERNATE VERSIONS OF THIS SCENE IN WHICH FRODO MAKES A DIFFERENT CHOICE WITH THE RING AND THE LAVA IS BLUE OR GREEN] spr eading rivers of lava all across the land SCENE: A SMALL ELVEN BOAT ON THE OPEN SEA Peregrin Took frantically paddles the boat. He looks over his shoulder behind him, where a tidal wave of water and cooling lava pursue the tiny craft. He paddles with all his might but eventually the wave catches the boat and overturns it SCENE: A JUNGLE ISLAND The wreck of the elven boat lies overturned on the shore. Peregrin Took crawls out from underneath it, followed by Samwise Gamgee and Gimli the Dwarf. They look up into the sky and smile thoughtfully END CREDITS AFTER CREDITS SCENE: A MODERN CHILD'S BEDROOM A young boy sits in bed. A kindly old man sits in a chair next to him, and, as the scene begins, he closes a copy of The Lord of the Rings Anonymous 03/15/12(Thu)00:29 No. 132667736 [ ! ] >>132668608 OLD MAN: The End BOY: Hold it! Hold it! Grandpa, you read that wrong. Frodo doesn't die, he lives. I'm just sure of it...after all he did for Middle Earth, if he didn't live, it wouldn't be fair. OLD MAN: Well who says life is fair? Where is that written? Life isn't always fair BOY: I'm telling you, you're messing up the story! How did Samwise get on the boat? What happened to Aragorn, and Legolas? Did the rivers of lava destroy Minas Tirith, and the Shire? OLD MAN: You know, you've been very sick and you're taking this story very seriously. I think we'd better stop now BOY: I'm sorry. Okay. Grandpa, will you read me one more story? OLD MAN: well, all right The old man reaches into his bag and pulls out a copy of The Hobbit OLD MAN: That'll be $9.99](
Mass Effect 3 Endings Reception

Mass Effect 3 Endings Reception

Mass Effect 3 Endings Reception

Mass Effect 3 Endings Reception

Mass Effect 3 Endings Reception

Mass Effect 3 Endings Reception

Mass Effect 3 Endings Reception

Mass Effect 3 Endings Reception

Mass Effect 3 Endings Reception