Now Moe Sargi put out this poorly put together video to get validity to his actions of “purposely faking” a video! The “project Zorgo” says they will come after whoever questions them! This is pathetic! Come after me you douchebag let’s see it!!! #BLOWME
Moe Sargi Paranormal Video Controversy
No one fucks with my Sargints!! got my twitter bk.What a terrible night. your support is unreal!! I love you all so so much. I will do anything for you guys ANYTHING!!! All i want to do is keep u all busy from the pains of life i dont care about anything
Moe Sargi Paranormal Video Controversy
we dont care about you or the problems we have given him. This is a game to us. And a game we aim to play till the bitter end! Hows your race car by the way! It be a shame if something happened to it
Moe Sargi Paranormal Video Controversy