Netflix Playback Speed Controversy - Images
Whelp— another spectacularly bad idea, and another cut to the already bleeding-out cinema experience. Why support & finance filmmakers visions on one hand and then work to destroy the presentation of those films on the other???
Netflix Playback Speed Controversy
Stop. As the person talked about in this article I felt the need to speak out. There is NO WAY @netflix will move forward with this. That would mean they are completely taking control of everyone else’s art and destroying it. Netflix is far better than
Netflix Playback Speed Controversy
No @Netflix no. Don’t make me have to call every director and show creator on Earth to fight you on this. Save me the time. I will win but it will take a ton of time. Don’t fuck with our timing. We give you nice things. Leave them as they were int
Netflix Playback Speed Controversy
Netflix finally adds playback speed to its android app... Hope it adds to web browsers soon
Netflix Playback Speed Controversy
yessss netflix for android has playback speed settings added
Netflix Playback Speed Controversy