OceanGate Titanic Submarine Incident - Images
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OceanGate Titanic Submarine Incident
Anatomy of a submersible

OceanGate Titanic Submarine Incident
A new photo of the Titan submersible, showing it's tail after it imploded

OceanGate Titanic Submarine Incident
How's His Wife Doing? | /r/memes

OceanGate Titanic Submarine Incident
OceanGate Titanic Submarine Incident
Transparent OceanGate Submarine

OceanGate Titanic Submarine Incident
Say no to third parties | /r/Greentext

OceanGate Titanic Submarine Incident
anyone else feel like it was three weeks ago? | /r/memes

OceanGate Titanic Submarine Incident
Is this considered insensitive? | /r/dankmemes

OceanGate Titanic Submarine Incident
April O'Neil writes a report on the Titan Submersible

OceanGate Titanic Submarine Incident
...yeah | /r/memes

OceanGate Titanic Submarine Incident
Okay I’ll leave. | /r/dankmemes

OceanGate Titanic Submarine Incident
Subliminal | /r/okbuddyretard

OceanGate Titanic Submarine Incident
Lost Transcript from Titan
![[-] itsnobigthing 150 points 7 days ago* (last edited 7 days ago) I think this is fake, as David Pogue shared a picture of the text codes they used to communicate and they were all single or few letters. Like SOS, A, C, Z. They had a code sheet detailing what they all meant, because they could only transmit the bare minimum. Edit: Found it! Picture here.[¹] X B Emergency Emergency Emergency General Surface immediately (Topside) Surfacing Immediately (Subside) Send Help (Subside) Topside Systems Comms Check Received your last, end thread Report your depth All Systems Nominal Fast Transit-No Ducers in the Water Subside Systems No Yes Cleared to Thrust Weather Improving Weather Deteriorating Locked In Cleared to Surface/ Lifting P (Toside) Surfacing/ Ready to Lift P (Subside) Off/Inop On/Working Transducer for Comms Transducer for Tracking Cameras Hull Acoustic Monitoring PHINS DVL Thrusters Drop Weight VBT High Pressure Air ( SOS K A D SN TND N Y CTT W+ W- L Z Z . + TfC TfT C H P V T R B HPA](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/002/618/124/117.png)
![[-] itsnobigthing 150 points 7 days ago* (last edited 7 days ago) I think this is fake, as David Pogue shared a picture of the text codes they used to communicate and they were all single or few letters. Like SOS, A, C, Z. They had a code sheet detailing what they all meant, because they could only transmit the bare minimum. Edit: Found it! Picture here.[¹] X B Emergency Emergency Emergency General Surface immediately (Topside) Surfacing Immediately (Subside) Send Help (Subside) Topside Systems Comms Check Received your last, end thread Report your depth All Systems Nominal Fast Transit-No Ducers in the Water Subside Systems No Yes Cleared to Thrust Weather Improving Weather Deteriorating Locked In Cleared to Surface/ Lifting P (Toside) Surfacing/ Ready to Lift P (Subside) Off/Inop On/Working Transducer for Comms Transducer for Tracking Cameras Hull Acoustic Monitoring PHINS DVL Thrusters Drop Weight VBT High Pressure Air ( SOS K A D SN TND N Y CTT W+ W- L Z Z . + TfC TfT C H P V T R B HPA](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/618/124/117.png)
OceanGate Titanic Submarine Incident
Lost Transcript from Titan
![[-] lonegungrrly 272 points 7 days ago Points to true: • Accurate to the photos seen of the comms • at a quarter power the 2 hour journey would take 8 hours to return to the surface which is how long the topside waited before reporting • Rush having issues removing the ballasts shocker. Probably had never been tested at that depth. • there is apparently a Carlos the engineer who works for Oceangate found on LinkedIn • James Cameron etc must have had something to go on to say they had dropped ballasts and were trying to ascend • it is an unprofessional shambles so definitely in keeping with OceanGate • either a very well researched hoax or real Points to it being fake: • people are doks permalink source embed save save-RES report give award reply hide child comments [-] BreakfastUnique8091 78 points 7 days ago I see your point for sure. This is way more convincing than some of the other instantly recognizable fakes, but I'm still not buying it as a lot of the strengths you list could be: 1. Someone seeing a photo of the comms and recreating the format 2. Knowing OceanGate was unprofessional and had frequent issues and so adding that into the transcript 3. Seeing how other people criticized fake transcripts and adjusting theirs accordingly 4. Hearing James Cameron's statements about this and writing accordingly 5. Looking at the LinkedIn page to add some flavour of truth to this Like I just think the very fact we can corroborate this with public sources equally points to the possibility that someone took a couple hours and used these same sources to cobble something together for attention. permalink source embed save save-RES parent report give award reply hide child comments](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/002/618/120/131.png)
![[-] lonegungrrly 272 points 7 days ago Points to true: • Accurate to the photos seen of the comms • at a quarter power the 2 hour journey would take 8 hours to return to the surface which is how long the topside waited before reporting • Rush having issues removing the ballasts shocker. Probably had never been tested at that depth. • there is apparently a Carlos the engineer who works for Oceangate found on LinkedIn • James Cameron etc must have had something to go on to say they had dropped ballasts and were trying to ascend • it is an unprofessional shambles so definitely in keeping with OceanGate • either a very well researched hoax or real Points to it being fake: • people are doks permalink source embed save save-RES report give award reply hide child comments [-] BreakfastUnique8091 78 points 7 days ago I see your point for sure. This is way more convincing than some of the other instantly recognizable fakes, but I'm still not buying it as a lot of the strengths you list could be: 1. Someone seeing a photo of the comms and recreating the format 2. Knowing OceanGate was unprofessional and had frequent issues and so adding that into the transcript 3. Seeing how other people criticized fake transcripts and adjusting theirs accordingly 4. Hearing James Cameron's statements about this and writing accordingly 5. Looking at the LinkedIn page to add some flavour of truth to this Like I just think the very fact we can corroborate this with public sources equally points to the possibility that someone took a couple hours and used these same sources to cobble something together for attention. permalink source embed save save-RES parent report give award reply hide child comments](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/618/120/131.png)
OceanGate Titanic Submarine Incident
Lost Transcript from Titan
![[-] itsnobigthing 150 points 7 days ago* (last edited 7 days ago) I think this is fake, as David Pogue shared a picture of the text codes they used to communicate and they were all single or few letters. Like SOS, A, C, Z. They had a code sheet detailing what they all meant, because they could only transmit the bare minimum. Edit: Found it! Picture here. [¹] Emergency Emergency Emergency General Surface immediately (Topside) Surfacing Immediately (Subside) Send Help (Subside) Topside Systems Comms Check Received your last, end thread Report your depth All Systems Nominal Fast Transit- No Ducers in the Water Subside Systems No Yes Cleared to Thrust Weather Improving Weather Deteriorating Locked In Cleared to Surface/ Lifting P (Toside) Surfacing/ Ready to Lift P (Subside) Off/Inop On/Working Transducer for Comms Transducer for Tracking Cameras Hull Acoustic Monitoring PHINS DVL Thrusters Drop Weight VBT High Pressure Air XXX XXX SOS K A D SN TND N Y CTT W+ W- L Z Z + TfC TfT CHPY V T R B HPA](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/002/618/115/51f.png)
![[-] itsnobigthing 150 points 7 days ago* (last edited 7 days ago) I think this is fake, as David Pogue shared a picture of the text codes they used to communicate and they were all single or few letters. Like SOS, A, C, Z. They had a code sheet detailing what they all meant, because they could only transmit the bare minimum. Edit: Found it! Picture here. [¹] Emergency Emergency Emergency General Surface immediately (Topside) Surfacing Immediately (Subside) Send Help (Subside) Topside Systems Comms Check Received your last, end thread Report your depth All Systems Nominal Fast Transit- No Ducers in the Water Subside Systems No Yes Cleared to Thrust Weather Improving Weather Deteriorating Locked In Cleared to Surface/ Lifting P (Toside) Surfacing/ Ready to Lift P (Subside) Off/Inop On/Working Transducer for Comms Transducer for Tracking Cameras Hull Acoustic Monitoring PHINS DVL Thrusters Drop Weight VBT High Pressure Air XXX XXX SOS K A D SN TND N Y CTT W+ W- L Z Z + TfC TfT CHPY V T R B HPA](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/618/115/51f.png)
OceanGate Titanic Submarine Incident