Protect IP Act / Stop Online Piracy Act (PIPA / SOPA)
![About George Mathis News to Me News To Me with George Mathis RSS feed with George Mathis E-mail George Thousands of websites offline Wednesday to protest SOPA PIPA 1:54 pm January 17, 2012, by George Mathis Search this blog Reference librarians are on high alert upon word that Wikipedia, the 6th biggest website on Earth, will join thousands of smaller websites and go offline Wednesday. The "free encyclopedia" that anyone can edit bias into is among the many websites joining an online revolt against two anti-piracy bills currently being considered by Congress. IMMIGRATE TOUSA CLICK jimmy-wales-wikipedia Other sites that will go offline Wednesday include Reddit, Wordpress, Moveon, Boing Boing and Twitpic. HERE! Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales said ''I hope Wikipedia [users] will melt phone systems in Washington on Wednesday" on Twitter. "Tell everyone you know! Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales explains why he's pulling the plug. (AP Photo) FREEDOM, LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL Recent Posts The bills, dubbed SOPA and PIPA, are backed by the film and music industry and are allegedly designed to prevent the sharing of copyrighted material Thousands of websites offline Wednesday to protest But opponents of SOPA read like a who's who of the Internet. Google, Facebook, Twitter, Craigslist, eBay, Mozilla, Yahoo, AOL, and Linkedln wrote a letter to key members of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, saying SOPA poses "a serious risk to our industry's SOPA, PIPA . UGA ranked 2nd in aspiring Sugar Babies . Honey they shrunk the supermodel .Bold predictions for the year 2112 . Mississinni Goy Rarhour nardons convicted killers](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/235/229/b1e.jpg)
![About George Mathis News to Me News To Me with George Mathis RSS feed with George Mathis E-mail George Thousands of websites offline Wednesday to protest SOPA PIPA 1:54 pm January 17, 2012, by George Mathis Search this blog Reference librarians are on high alert upon word that Wikipedia, the 6th biggest website on Earth, will join thousands of smaller websites and go offline Wednesday. The "free encyclopedia" that anyone can edit bias into is among the many websites joining an online revolt against two anti-piracy bills currently being considered by Congress. IMMIGRATE TOUSA CLICK jimmy-wales-wikipedia Other sites that will go offline Wednesday include Reddit, Wordpress, Moveon, Boing Boing and Twitpic. HERE! Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales said ''I hope Wikipedia [users] will melt phone systems in Washington on Wednesday" on Twitter. "Tell everyone you know! Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales explains why he's pulling the plug. (AP Photo) FREEDOM, LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL Recent Posts The bills, dubbed SOPA and PIPA, are backed by the film and music industry and are allegedly designed to prevent the sharing of copyrighted material Thousands of websites offline Wednesday to protest But opponents of SOPA read like a who's who of the Internet. Google, Facebook, Twitter, Craigslist, eBay, Mozilla, Yahoo, AOL, and Linkedln wrote a letter to key members of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, saying SOPA poses "a serious risk to our industry's SOPA, PIPA . UGA ranked 2nd in aspiring Sugar Babies . Honey they shrunk the supermodel .Bold predictions for the year 2112 . Mississinni Goy Rarhour nardons convicted killers](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/235/229/b1e.jpg)
Protect IP Act / Stop Online Piracy Act (PIPA / SOPA)

Protect IP Act / Stop Online Piracy Act (PIPA / SOPA)
Wikipedia Blackout

Protect IP Act / Stop Online Piracy Act (PIPA / SOPA)

Protect IP Act / Stop Online Piracy Act (PIPA / SOPA)

Protect IP Act / Stop Online Piracy Act (PIPA / SOPA)

Protect IP Act / Stop Online Piracy Act (PIPA / SOPA)

Protect IP Act / Stop Online Piracy Act (PIPA / SOPA)

Protect IP Act / Stop Online Piracy Act (PIPA / SOPA)

Protect IP Act / Stop Online Piracy Act (PIPA / SOPA)

Protect IP Act / Stop Online Piracy Act (PIPA / SOPA)

Protect IP Act / Stop Online Piracy Act (PIPA / SOPA)

Protect IP Act / Stop Online Piracy Act (PIPA / SOPA)

Protect IP Act / Stop Online Piracy Act (PIPA / SOPA)

Protect IP Act / Stop Online Piracy Act (PIPA / SOPA)

Protect IP Act / Stop Online Piracy Act (PIPA / SOPA)