I'm sorry, I only speak Legalese

Protect IP Act / Stop Online Piracy Act (PIPA / SOPA)
Tinfoil hat theory but who knows
![[Discussion]Are SJWs an end-run around the failure of SOPA? iself.KotakulnAction) submitted 11 minutes ago by Aurondarklord So l've been thinking about this a lot lately...SJWs are definitely not a new thing, but until a couple years ago, they were never a BIG thing, they had their little hugboxes, and occasionally you'd run into some hypersensitive crusader in the wild, but they were mostly an irrelevant joke and certainly not capable of intimidating companies or forcing change. And then, very suddenly, they began gaining rapid steam, boosted by incredibly biased media coverage selling the world moral panic about all of their pet causes We know, from leaked documents, that the major media companies are determined to succeed where SOPA and PIPA failed, and that a major part of their strategy to ultimately implement site blocking is to find a way to shift the overton window, change culture so that people become okay with the idea. Atheism+ was coined in 2012, Anita Sarkeesian's kickstarter was in 2012, I would call these two of the major events that touched off the big internet social justice war that has snowballed to where we are today, SOPA and PIPA went down in flames in January 2012. And as some people have pointed out, Reddit's new "harassment" policy essentially mirrors the structure of those bills, subs get nuked with no trial and no recourse because someone in authority has decided their content is unacceptable. It would appear on the outside that the SJWs succeeded where corporate America could not, they're implemented their own mini-SOPA, and done so to the cheering of the masses at least on one side of the political spectrum, and the broad approval (and spin doctoring assistance) of the tech media. ...Or did they? Okay everybody, time to get your tinfoil hats on nice and snug! How is it that in the course of about three years, SJWs seem to have infiltrated the tech scene on every level, controlling major websites, gaining an ideological stranglehold over once neutral or libertarian publications and news outlets, and positioning themselves to be able to produce "propaganda bursts" like "gamers are dead" or now "redditors are dead" in coordinated tandem to spin a narrative demonizing any group that's a threat to their ideology? What if they had help? The more l think about it, and the more the anti-free speech efforts of the SJWs seem to mirror ideas like SOPA, the more l start to wonder if this whole thing has been astroturfed. Perhaps the entire SJW movement is manufactured by the big media companies as part of their strategy to change the cultural climate on site blocking, they found a few useful idiots, funded them or gave them access to media spotlight, and relentlessly pushed their agenda as a means of demonizing free speech and the open internet, getting people to accept, and even push for, censorship for ideological reasons, so they'll be more open to the idea of censorship for business reasons Maybe the SJWs appear so inexplicably well coordinated because they actually ARE being coordinated by an outside force So discuss, something worth looking into, or am l a paranoid lunatic? 4 comments share save hide give gold report](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/977/766/709.png)
![[Discussion]Are SJWs an end-run around the failure of SOPA? iself.KotakulnAction) submitted 11 minutes ago by Aurondarklord So l've been thinking about this a lot lately...SJWs are definitely not a new thing, but until a couple years ago, they were never a BIG thing, they had their little hugboxes, and occasionally you'd run into some hypersensitive crusader in the wild, but they were mostly an irrelevant joke and certainly not capable of intimidating companies or forcing change. And then, very suddenly, they began gaining rapid steam, boosted by incredibly biased media coverage selling the world moral panic about all of their pet causes We know, from leaked documents, that the major media companies are determined to succeed where SOPA and PIPA failed, and that a major part of their strategy to ultimately implement site blocking is to find a way to shift the overton window, change culture so that people become okay with the idea. Atheism+ was coined in 2012, Anita Sarkeesian's kickstarter was in 2012, I would call these two of the major events that touched off the big internet social justice war that has snowballed to where we are today, SOPA and PIPA went down in flames in January 2012. And as some people have pointed out, Reddit's new "harassment" policy essentially mirrors the structure of those bills, subs get nuked with no trial and no recourse because someone in authority has decided their content is unacceptable. It would appear on the outside that the SJWs succeeded where corporate America could not, they're implemented their own mini-SOPA, and done so to the cheering of the masses at least on one side of the political spectrum, and the broad approval (and spin doctoring assistance) of the tech media. ...Or did they? Okay everybody, time to get your tinfoil hats on nice and snug! How is it that in the course of about three years, SJWs seem to have infiltrated the tech scene on every level, controlling major websites, gaining an ideological stranglehold over once neutral or libertarian publications and news outlets, and positioning themselves to be able to produce "propaganda bursts" like "gamers are dead" or now "redditors are dead" in coordinated tandem to spin a narrative demonizing any group that's a threat to their ideology? What if they had help? The more l think about it, and the more the anti-free speech efforts of the SJWs seem to mirror ideas like SOPA, the more l start to wonder if this whole thing has been astroturfed. Perhaps the entire SJW movement is manufactured by the big media companies as part of their strategy to change the cultural climate on site blocking, they found a few useful idiots, funded them or gave them access to media spotlight, and relentlessly pushed their agenda as a means of demonizing free speech and the open internet, getting people to accept, and even push for, censorship for ideological reasons, so they'll be more open to the idea of censorship for business reasons Maybe the SJWs appear so inexplicably well coordinated because they actually ARE being coordinated by an outside force So discuss, something worth looking into, or am l a paranoid lunatic? 4 comments share save hide give gold report](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/977/766/709.png)
Protect IP Act / Stop Online Piracy Act (PIPA / SOPA)

Protect IP Act / Stop Online Piracy Act (PIPA / SOPA)
Freakazoid meets SOPA.

Protect IP Act / Stop Online Piracy Act (PIPA / SOPA)
Snail Mail With SOPA

Protect IP Act / Stop Online Piracy Act (PIPA / SOPA)

Protect IP Act / Stop Online Piracy Act (PIPA / SOPA)

Protect IP Act / Stop Online Piracy Act (PIPA / SOPA)

Protect IP Act / Stop Online Piracy Act (PIPA / SOPA)

Protect IP Act / Stop Online Piracy Act (PIPA / SOPA)

Protect IP Act / Stop Online Piracy Act (PIPA / SOPA)
Declaration of Internet Freedom

Protect IP Act / Stop Online Piracy Act (PIPA / SOPA)

Protect IP Act / Stop Online Piracy Act (PIPA / SOPA)

Protect IP Act / Stop Online Piracy Act (PIPA / SOPA)

Protect IP Act / Stop Online Piracy Act (PIPA / SOPA)

Protect IP Act / Stop Online Piracy Act (PIPA / SOPA)

Protect IP Act / Stop Online Piracy Act (PIPA / SOPA)