A Real Baby Doll 4 The Perv These Days

Roy Moore Sexual Misconduct Allegations
"What Would Have Gotten White People To Stop Supporting Roy Moore?" by Kendra Wells

Roy Moore Sexual Misconduct Allegations
For some reason, I feel both schadenfreude and pity.

Roy Moore Sexual Misconduct Allegations
"Screen cap this" he said

Roy Moore Sexual Misconduct Allegations
Whistling Past the Graveyard
![has lleod "whistlirncg piast the gravesyad" They got Alabamans to turn against an innocent man with whom they agreed on eveeryhincg]. A red state elected a guy to the left of Elizabeth Warren. Don't tell me how this "stunt" won't work again. John Kluge @Jckluge Replying to @ThomasWictor A dog only hunts so much. The Democrats will have a hard time pulling this stunt https//archive.is/QA0 7:51 PM - 12 Dec 2017 443 Retweets 731 Likes](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/322/739/675.png)
![has lleod "whistlirncg piast the gravesyad" They got Alabamans to turn against an innocent man with whom they agreed on eveeryhincg]. A red state elected a guy to the left of Elizabeth Warren. Don't tell me how this "stunt" won't work again. John Kluge @Jckluge Replying to @ThomasWictor A dog only hunts so much. The Democrats will have a hard time pulling this stunt https//archive.is/QA0 7:51 PM - 12 Dec 2017 443 Retweets 731 Likes](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/322/739/675.png)
Roy Moore Sexual Misconduct Allegations

Roy Moore Sexual Misconduct Allegations
Crying Michael Jordan Horse

Roy Moore Sexual Misconduct Allegations
If last night’s election proved anything, it proved that we need to put up GREAT Republican candidates to increase the razor thin margins in both the ...

Roy Moore Sexual Misconduct Allegations
The reason I originally endorsed Luther Strange (and his numbers went up mightily), is that I said Roy Moore will not be able to win the General Elect...

Roy Moore Sexual Misconduct Allegations
Congratulations to Doug Jones on a hard fought victory. The write-in votes played a very big factor, but a win is a win. The people of Alabama are gre...

Roy Moore Sexual Misconduct Allegations
Alabama is 69.3% white, 26.8% black; according to exit polls from @washingtonpost 30% of all Alabama voters in this race were black (and most of them ...

Roy Moore Sexual Misconduct Allegations
This quick chart shows the scale of each demo a bit better

Roy Moore Sexual Misconduct Allegations
Let’s make sure we don’t generalize our gratitude or obscure our shame.

Roy Moore Sexual Misconduct Allegations
Baffled DNC Plant Roy Moore Not Sure What Else He Could Have Done To Defame Republican Party

Roy Moore Sexual Misconduct Allegations
It is INSANE that Roy Moore going to a brothel filled with child prostitutes isn't a larger story today.

Roy Moore Sexual Misconduct Allegations
some guy just told a story about how he and Roy Moore went to a brothel with child sex slaves and Moore heroically managed to not have sex with them. ...

Roy Moore Sexual Misconduct Allegations