Sweet Baby Inc Detected Controversy - Images
Sweet Baby Inc

Sweet Baby Inc Detected Controversy
Some more companies. Some old names emerge.

Sweet Baby Inc Detected Controversy
2019. Whoops

Sweet Baby Inc Detected Controversy
Digging up GamerGate in 2024 by Zerberin1
Sweet Baby Inc Detected Controversy
[Pointed out to most likely be fabricatedpost.] Damage Controlled Failed
![[Trigger Warning, Sensitive Political Topics] Now, with the last sentence in the above paragraph in mind. What are you going to do now that you know this information, not buy any new games at all? Are you going to shrug your shoulders and buy new AAA games that are only "kind-of diverse" or "only have a few women in the main plot"?... Here's the thing. I'm taking a solid guess that the overwhelming majority of the humans here are white... Of course, there's nothing wrong with that in essence, but look at it this way... Here in this group, and people who support this group (whether they know it exists or not) - are extremely overwhelmingly white males who have a patriarchal and racist view of the world (ideology).... Some of you may not be "nazis", some of you may hate "nazis" (but nonetheless at least unconsciously follow an outdated patriarchal view of the world), some of you may hate women. some of you may respect women [respect in the narrow patriarchal sense]. ETC ETC. I can provide an infinite number of examples that will waste both of our times and not really get anywhere. Here's the main point I've been building up to... We live in 2024, the times have changed. This is no longer 1999, where gaming was full of overweight smelly white nerds who couldn't get a girlfriend. Who upon seeing the changing demographics in their countries - lashed out consciously and unconsciously throughout their favorite medium of escapism from reality. (video games)... As said, it's 2024. Gaming and the internet in general is no longer niche. Developers no longer have to use outdated racist and sexist modems to appeal to the target demographic of the 1999 crowd... Let me say it again in a different way. GAMING IS NO LONGER JUST FOR YOU, THERE ARE OTHER PEOPLE IN THIS WORLD THAT WANT TO PLAY VIDEO GAMES AND ENJOY OTHER SUCH SOURCES OF ENTERTAINMENT... If you do not want to buy a game because it has a BIPOC or women main character, that's OK. It's your money - do what you want with it, this is a free country, but maybe use some empathy and think that you are now a minority in this sphere. There are millions upon millions of women and BIPOC people who want to buy video games, and who want to be represented. They want different stories that they can relate to... The "white man/men killing people and taking advantage of women" games are a long dead trope that only developers on their last limbs do as market research has shown white males of a patriarchal nature are devoutly fanatical and will quickly shell out larges amounts of money if a game appeals to their "base desires"... Anyways. I've said what I wanted to say, I've let it out. I might reply to comments that provide genuine points of interest and aren't "angry white caveman ego grunting". If you somehow manage to track my name or whatever down. I don't regret writing this, and even if this post is deleted, my views are the same. I hope in these writings - some glimmer of hope can come upon you downtrodden middle-aged white men.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/002/768/796/635.png)
![[Trigger Warning, Sensitive Political Topics] Now, with the last sentence in the above paragraph in mind. What are you going to do now that you know this information, not buy any new games at all? Are you going to shrug your shoulders and buy new AAA games that are only "kind-of diverse" or "only have a few women in the main plot"?... Here's the thing. I'm taking a solid guess that the overwhelming majority of the humans here are white... Of course, there's nothing wrong with that in essence, but look at it this way... Here in this group, and people who support this group (whether they know it exists or not) - are extremely overwhelmingly white males who have a patriarchal and racist view of the world (ideology).... Some of you may not be "nazis", some of you may hate "nazis" (but nonetheless at least unconsciously follow an outdated patriarchal view of the world), some of you may hate women. some of you may respect women [respect in the narrow patriarchal sense]. ETC ETC. I can provide an infinite number of examples that will waste both of our times and not really get anywhere. Here's the main point I've been building up to... We live in 2024, the times have changed. This is no longer 1999, where gaming was full of overweight smelly white nerds who couldn't get a girlfriend. Who upon seeing the changing demographics in their countries - lashed out consciously and unconsciously throughout their favorite medium of escapism from reality. (video games)... As said, it's 2024. Gaming and the internet in general is no longer niche. Developers no longer have to use outdated racist and sexist modems to appeal to the target demographic of the 1999 crowd... Let me say it again in a different way. GAMING IS NO LONGER JUST FOR YOU, THERE ARE OTHER PEOPLE IN THIS WORLD THAT WANT TO PLAY VIDEO GAMES AND ENJOY OTHER SUCH SOURCES OF ENTERTAINMENT... If you do not want to buy a game because it has a BIPOC or women main character, that's OK. It's your money - do what you want with it, this is a free country, but maybe use some empathy and think that you are now a minority in this sphere. There are millions upon millions of women and BIPOC people who want to buy video games, and who want to be represented. They want different stories that they can relate to... The "white man/men killing people and taking advantage of women" games are a long dead trope that only developers on their last limbs do as market research has shown white males of a patriarchal nature are devoutly fanatical and will quickly shell out larges amounts of money if a game appeals to their "base desires"... Anyways. I've said what I wanted to say, I've let it out. I might reply to comments that provide genuine points of interest and aren't "angry white caveman ego grunting". If you somehow manage to track my name or whatever down. I don't regret writing this, and even if this post is deleted, my views are the same. I hope in these writings - some glimmer of hope can come upon you downtrodden middle-aged white men.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/768/796/635.png)
Sweet Baby Inc Detected Controversy
Sweet Baby Inc

Sweet Baby Inc Detected Controversy
Video game crash

Sweet Baby Inc Detected Controversy
Beat Up

Sweet Baby Inc Detected Controversy
sweet baby
Sweet Baby Inc Detected Controversy
Maya Felix Kramer's tweets and background
Sweet Baby Inc Detected Controversy
sweet baby
Sweet Baby Inc Detected Controversy