Sweet Baby Inc Detected Controversy - Images
code red at the game base,inst a simulacrum.

Sweet Baby Inc Detected Controversy
gaslight recompilation

Sweet Baby Inc Detected Controversy
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![Post That Park Place @TPPNewsNetwork Seguir Former Bungie And The Pokémon Company Lawyer Defends Sweet Baby Inc., Says His Job Was To Get "Rid❞ Of Anti-Woke Gamers Traducir post thatparkplace.com Former Bungie And The Pokémon Company Lawyer Def Former lawyer for Bungie and The Pokémon Company as well as the producer on Detective Pikachu Don... 12:48 p. m. - 14 mar. 2024 - 16,4 mil Reproducciones 24 40 Postea tu respuesta 102 8 SMAXZO: The Maxx C Merchant ✶ @KingKaiserX - 6h Last time a lawyer picked a fight with gamers...he lost. 175 145 1 mil <] Responder](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/002/775/504/4b1.png)
![Post That Park Place @TPPNewsNetwork Seguir Former Bungie And The Pokémon Company Lawyer Defends Sweet Baby Inc., Says His Job Was To Get "Rid❞ Of Anti-Woke Gamers Traducir post thatparkplace.com Former Bungie And The Pokémon Company Lawyer Def Former lawyer for Bungie and The Pokémon Company as well as the producer on Detective Pikachu Don... 12:48 p. m. - 14 mar. 2024 - 16,4 mil Reproducciones 24 40 Postea tu respuesta 102 8 SMAXZO: The Maxx C Merchant ✶ @KingKaiserX - 6h Last time a lawyer picked a fight with gamers...he lost. 175 145 1 mil <] Responder](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/775/504/4b1.png)
Sweet Baby Inc Detected Controversy
Is anyone shocked? -Lord Dio an former KYM member

Sweet Baby Inc Detected Controversy
Daniel Carrington: your mission is eliminate the DEI system for good of our planet

Sweet Baby Inc Detected Controversy
As with Gamergate, so with this
![you reliable sources? ikipedia NOTFORUM ntionally uscating facts via offission [hide] This is direct criticism directed towards the Wikipedia editors responsible for the SBI-article as well as those here on the Talk-page refusing to correct misinformation. Repeatedly, registered editors have replied with "do you have reliable sources?" when people explained how the current version of the article is plain wrong. When sources are being mentioned, it is dismissed under the guise of "social media posts are not accepted on Wikipedia". That much would be somewhat okay (albeit still weird in the year 2024, when much official stuff takes place on Twitter and co.), if the consequence then would have been to remove the article due to a lack of sources that display the entire situation. This didn't happen as of now. Instead, websites such as Kotaku, IGN, Eurogamer, Polygon and others are accepted as "reliable sources". The issue here is that all these websites have long joined an ideological side in this dumb "culture war" or whatever you want to call it. I'm not calling for any side, the point is: These traditional news media all intentionally omit key information from their articles, because only so can they push the narrative that SBI critics are "evil". Altright, nazis, women hater, homophobes, transphobes, racists, bigots, etc. - these websites call everyone who dares criticizing SBI that, whether it is directly so or via established wording (like calling it "GamerGate 2.0" which has long since strongly connotated to all the aforementioned insults). And these websites are now accepted as "reliable sources" by Wikipedia-editors such as "Rhaine", "Dumuzid" or "MrOllie" or "Jester". Instead of listening to the people voicing their criticism (we're not doing this for fun ...), we're being further vilified by being told that we "believe" something, when all we're doing is pointing out factual errors. We're being told to make this Talk-page a "battleground", which for all the time being was not the case, again, we were only pointing out factual errors. At this point, it is SO weird how all these registered Wikipedia editors fail to grasp what the issue is: That by omitting one side of the ongoing situation entirely, you create a false image of the situation as a whole. It doesn't matter what side I'm on, behavior like this would be bad for any ongoing situation. Nobody her wants you to change the article to say "the critics of SBI are heroes, fighting for justice". No, all we desire is that you include EVERYTHING in the article. IF that is not possible because you insist on your "social media posts are not allowed as source", then the only reasonable cause of action would be to remove the entire article. Take it offline, wait until the situation is over, then report after the fact when all facts are bared in the open. Right now, the article only benefits bad actors who will use it as ammunition for their agenda ("See, everyone, even Wikipedia says these guys are bad!!1, it's OFFICIAL!!!1"), allthewhile you kept saying that you have no interest in taking a role in this situation. Well, you're doing that right now in this moment. A neutral position would either add key information to the article or, if that's not possible, unpublish it until further information becomes available. After being threatened by Wikipedia editor Jester, I expect the worst after posting this topic, but I also hope that this reaches someone in position of power on Wikipedia who wants to prevent Wikipedia becoming an anti-factual place that exists for pushing agenda that certain editors find themselves siding with. One last time: The critics of SBI are not nazis, nor women haters, nor racists or anything like that. The current version of this Wikipedia-article insinuates exactly that, though. I won't accept being called that. I have done nothing to deserve it. Thx. 2003:D8:8F3C:E000:B8F6:2724:3492:FC17 (talk) 02:35, 13 March 2024 (UTC) Just to be 100% clear, the underlying complaint here, whether true or not, is that these consultants were responsible for more diversity in video games? Do I have that correct? Dumuzid (talk) 02:38, 13 March 2024 (UTC) No.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/002/775/246/7ab.png)
![you reliable sources? ikipedia NOTFORUM ntionally uscating facts via offission [hide] This is direct criticism directed towards the Wikipedia editors responsible for the SBI-article as well as those here on the Talk-page refusing to correct misinformation. Repeatedly, registered editors have replied with "do you have reliable sources?" when people explained how the current version of the article is plain wrong. When sources are being mentioned, it is dismissed under the guise of "social media posts are not accepted on Wikipedia". That much would be somewhat okay (albeit still weird in the year 2024, when much official stuff takes place on Twitter and co.), if the consequence then would have been to remove the article due to a lack of sources that display the entire situation. This didn't happen as of now. Instead, websites such as Kotaku, IGN, Eurogamer, Polygon and others are accepted as "reliable sources". The issue here is that all these websites have long joined an ideological side in this dumb "culture war" or whatever you want to call it. I'm not calling for any side, the point is: These traditional news media all intentionally omit key information from their articles, because only so can they push the narrative that SBI critics are "evil". Altright, nazis, women hater, homophobes, transphobes, racists, bigots, etc. - these websites call everyone who dares criticizing SBI that, whether it is directly so or via established wording (like calling it "GamerGate 2.0" which has long since strongly connotated to all the aforementioned insults). And these websites are now accepted as "reliable sources" by Wikipedia-editors such as "Rhaine", "Dumuzid" or "MrOllie" or "Jester". Instead of listening to the people voicing their criticism (we're not doing this for fun ...), we're being further vilified by being told that we "believe" something, when all we're doing is pointing out factual errors. We're being told to make this Talk-page a "battleground", which for all the time being was not the case, again, we were only pointing out factual errors. At this point, it is SO weird how all these registered Wikipedia editors fail to grasp what the issue is: That by omitting one side of the ongoing situation entirely, you create a false image of the situation as a whole. It doesn't matter what side I'm on, behavior like this would be bad for any ongoing situation. Nobody her wants you to change the article to say "the critics of SBI are heroes, fighting for justice". No, all we desire is that you include EVERYTHING in the article. IF that is not possible because you insist on your "social media posts are not allowed as source", then the only reasonable cause of action would be to remove the entire article. Take it offline, wait until the situation is over, then report after the fact when all facts are bared in the open. Right now, the article only benefits bad actors who will use it as ammunition for their agenda ("See, everyone, even Wikipedia says these guys are bad!!1, it's OFFICIAL!!!1"), allthewhile you kept saying that you have no interest in taking a role in this situation. Well, you're doing that right now in this moment. A neutral position would either add key information to the article or, if that's not possible, unpublish it until further information becomes available. After being threatened by Wikipedia editor Jester, I expect the worst after posting this topic, but I also hope that this reaches someone in position of power on Wikipedia who wants to prevent Wikipedia becoming an anti-factual place that exists for pushing agenda that certain editors find themselves siding with. One last time: The critics of SBI are not nazis, nor women haters, nor racists or anything like that. The current version of this Wikipedia-article insinuates exactly that, though. I won't accept being called that. I have done nothing to deserve it. Thx. 2003:D8:8F3C:E000:B8F6:2724:3492:FC17 (talk) 02:35, 13 March 2024 (UTC) Just to be 100% clear, the underlying complaint here, whether true or not, is that these consultants were responsible for more diversity in video games? Do I have that correct? Dumuzid (talk) 02:38, 13 March 2024 (UTC) No.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/775/246/7ab.png)
Sweet Baby Inc Detected Controversy
code red at youtube base

Sweet Baby Inc Detected Controversy
in a nutshell

Sweet Baby Inc Detected Controversy
Journalists doing their thing again

Sweet Baby Inc Detected Controversy
Now one of the co-founders labels Sweet Baby Inc detected as "far-right" group

Sweet Baby Inc Detected Controversy
Baby Ghosts funds Sweet Baby inc.

Sweet Baby Inc Detected Controversy
The narrative formula

Sweet Baby Inc Detected Controversy
I love modern gaming. | /r/dankmemes

Sweet Baby Inc Detected Controversy
I woke up and chose violence today

Sweet Baby Inc Detected Controversy
chris kindred posts
Sweet Baby Inc Detected Controversy
SBI Detected Thread: "Racists and bigots, GET LOST"
![All Discussions > General Discussions > Topic Details jonnytee 2 hours ago 2 3 Racists and bigots, GET LOST I don't care if you're a troll or a real life nazi, there are posters in this group that can kindly f--- off with their vile racist / sexist s---. IT IS NOT WHY THIS GROUP EXISTS. The creator of the group said it himself: "Also, I want to emphasize that this is not a place for those who want to practice bigotry or racism towards any specific group of people, or praise any kind of authoritarianism be it from the left or the right. I don't care about your skin color, nor sex/gender and sexual orientation, not even your religion - you're welcome to join and stay as long as you respect our position and don't try to jeopardize this community." I support this group because I am against ideology inhibiting artistic expression, not because I have anything against individuals or groups. If you do, don't let the door hit you on the way out. Last edited by jonnytee; 2 hours ago Showing 1-15 of 88 comments Zytel 2 hours ago You are being too nice to them. 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 He-Man▾ 2 hours ago No OP, let people discuss about it dont try to silence the community, give me the Cless 2 hours ago #1 #2 I stand against racism, bigotry and misandry; therefore I stand against SBI. #3 zdaytonaroadster 2 hours ago " that this is not a place for those who want to practice bigotry or racism towards any specific group of people" be a lot cooler if it was Kiler_best1235_Denmark 2 hours ago "racism towards any specific group of people" Girl. The whole group is about expressing racism against SBI/FBI. #4 #5 Rain Shinobi 2 hours ago Well said. We're all in this together, doesn't even have to be political. In fact the only way we beat these vile ESG type companies is with bipartisan support. Keegs 2 hours ago We didnt choose the clown life, the clown life chose us. #6 GameChilla 2 hours ago wholeheartedly agree with op, though i think most of us are just against the woke narrative being forced upon our favorite media. I have yet to see the actual haters of actual minorities being very troll-ish and vocal, but then again this is my first day here. [shrugs] Cyhyraeth 2 hours ago You don't tell me how to live my life ? Power▾ 2 hours ago From what i have seen this kind of people are a minority here. humandxp 2 hours ago #7 #8 #9 #10 IvIO troll pretending to be victim. get lost leftoid c---. classic marxist propaganda flood all with fake outrage. i dont care about that group or who will take my words what way. real fight will be in real life soon when all that will collapse. it started already. there i will meet you all soy sissies. then show me how strong and brave you c---- are. i will enjoy fun time with you Bloodwyrm Wildheart 2 hours ago #11 See, that might sound all well-and-good on the surface (and it does to most people), but the problem with that position is that this entire 'controversy' goes much deeper, and its roots are much older. If you don't address the "hateful" / "bigoted" / "racist" / [insert buzzword here] root of the problem, then you will never solve it, because it's all interconnected. You're only treating the symptoms, rather than the disease; Band-aids on a malignant tumor. You'll have to get over your fear of discussing the truth sooner or later. Last edited by Bloodwyrm Wildheart; 2 hours ago #12](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/002/771/584/dd5.png)
![All Discussions > General Discussions > Topic Details jonnytee 2 hours ago 2 3 Racists and bigots, GET LOST I don't care if you're a troll or a real life nazi, there are posters in this group that can kindly f--- off with their vile racist / sexist s---. IT IS NOT WHY THIS GROUP EXISTS. The creator of the group said it himself: "Also, I want to emphasize that this is not a place for those who want to practice bigotry or racism towards any specific group of people, or praise any kind of authoritarianism be it from the left or the right. I don't care about your skin color, nor sex/gender and sexual orientation, not even your religion - you're welcome to join and stay as long as you respect our position and don't try to jeopardize this community." I support this group because I am against ideology inhibiting artistic expression, not because I have anything against individuals or groups. If you do, don't let the door hit you on the way out. Last edited by jonnytee; 2 hours ago Showing 1-15 of 88 comments Zytel 2 hours ago You are being too nice to them. 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 He-Man▾ 2 hours ago No OP, let people discuss about it dont try to silence the community, give me the Cless 2 hours ago #1 #2 I stand against racism, bigotry and misandry; therefore I stand against SBI. #3 zdaytonaroadster 2 hours ago " that this is not a place for those who want to practice bigotry or racism towards any specific group of people" be a lot cooler if it was Kiler_best1235_Denmark 2 hours ago "racism towards any specific group of people" Girl. The whole group is about expressing racism against SBI/FBI. #4 #5 Rain Shinobi 2 hours ago Well said. We're all in this together, doesn't even have to be political. In fact the only way we beat these vile ESG type companies is with bipartisan support. Keegs 2 hours ago We didnt choose the clown life, the clown life chose us. #6 GameChilla 2 hours ago wholeheartedly agree with op, though i think most of us are just against the woke narrative being forced upon our favorite media. I have yet to see the actual haters of actual minorities being very troll-ish and vocal, but then again this is my first day here. [shrugs] Cyhyraeth 2 hours ago You don't tell me how to live my life ? Power▾ 2 hours ago From what i have seen this kind of people are a minority here. humandxp 2 hours ago #7 #8 #9 #10 IvIO troll pretending to be victim. get lost leftoid c---. classic marxist propaganda flood all with fake outrage. i dont care about that group or who will take my words what way. real fight will be in real life soon when all that will collapse. it started already. there i will meet you all soy sissies. then show me how strong and brave you c---- are. i will enjoy fun time with you Bloodwyrm Wildheart 2 hours ago #11 See, that might sound all well-and-good on the surface (and it does to most people), but the problem with that position is that this entire 'controversy' goes much deeper, and its roots are much older. If you don't address the "hateful" / "bigoted" / "racist" / [insert buzzword here] root of the problem, then you will never solve it, because it's all interconnected. You're only treating the symptoms, rather than the disease; Band-aids on a malignant tumor. You'll have to get over your fear of discussing the truth sooner or later. Last edited by Bloodwyrm Wildheart; 2 hours ago #12](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/771/584/dd5.png)
Sweet Baby Inc Detected Controversy