Trevor Noah's Tweet Controversy - Images
@joewilliams_tew you're right. After visiting Australia's Bunjilaka museum and learning about aboriginal history first hand I vowed never to make a jo...
![Dr Anita Heiss Ф @AnitaHeiss-Jul 22 I am so disgusted and appalled by the comments by @Trevornoah and his attempted humour that denigrates Aboriginal women I hope Australians boycott his shows in # Brisbane #Sydney # Melbourne #Perth #Australia That kind of 'humour, is not funny and does damage! #racismitstopswithme Joe Williams - TEW @joewilliams_tew Hey @Trevornoah, your comments about Aboriginal @IndigenousX in this clip are utterly unacceptable! As a man of colour, you are usually in point with racism & divide - here you are perpetrating& encouraging racial abuse!! #boycotttrevornoaninoz 136 tl 259 698 Trevor Noah @Trevornoah Replying to @AnitaHeiss @joewilliams_tew you're right. After visiting Australia's Bunjilaka museum and learning about aboriginal history first hand I vowed never to make a joke like that again. And I haven't. l'Il make sure the clip from 2013 is not promoted in any way.](
![Dr Anita Heiss Ф @AnitaHeiss-Jul 22 I am so disgusted and appalled by the comments by @Trevornoah and his attempted humour that denigrates Aboriginal women I hope Australians boycott his shows in # Brisbane #Sydney # Melbourne #Perth #Australia That kind of 'humour, is not funny and does damage! #racismitstopswithme Joe Williams - TEW @joewilliams_tew Hey @Trevornoah, your comments about Aboriginal @IndigenousX in this clip are utterly unacceptable! As a man of colour, you are usually in point with racism & divide - here you are perpetrating& encouraging racial abuse!! #boycotttrevornoaninoz 136 tl 259 698 Trevor Noah @Trevornoah Replying to @AnitaHeiss @joewilliams_tew you're right. After visiting Australia's Bunjilaka museum and learning about aboriginal history first hand I vowed never to make a joke like that again. And I haven't. l'Il make sure the clip from 2013 is not promoted in any way.](
Trevor Noah's Tweet Controversy
On @TheDailyShow , @Trevornoah called the @FrenchTeam 's World Cup win an "African victory." Read Ambassador @GerardAraud 's response:
![French Embassy U.S. usfranceintheus On @TheDailyShow , @Trevornoah called the victory." Read Ambassador @GerardAraud 's @French Team 's World Cup win an "African response: Washington, DC, Juty 18, 2018 Sir I watched with great attention your July 17 show, when you spoke of the victory of the French team at the 2018 Fifa World Cup ussiaM final which took place last Sunday. I heard your words about " African viciory", nolhing could be less true. As many players have already steted themselves, their parents may have cume from another country but a great majority af them (all but two out of 23) were horn in France; they were aducated in France; they learned to play soccer in Frunce; they are French citizens. They ure proud of their country, France. The rich and various backgrounds of these players is a refleution of France's diversity France is indeed a cosmupolitan couniry, but every citizen is part of the rench identity and together they belong to the nalion of France. Unlike in the United States of America, France does not rcfer to hs cltizens based on their race, religion or origin. To us, there is no hyphenated identity, roots are an individual renlily. By calling them an African team, it seenns yuu are denying their Frenchness. This, even in jest, legitimizes the ideology which claims whiteness as the only delfinition of being French Finally, the idenkily of French national team should not be defined by people that are not part af it. The Freach national socoer team's identity shauld- and has, as a matter of fact- been definesd as a group of people living togelher, Fighting together, losing or winning together, illustrating in & perfect and beautiful way a part of our national moto : oquality-ndfraternity Yours sincerely Gdrard](
![French Embassy U.S. usfranceintheus On @TheDailyShow , @Trevornoah called the victory." Read Ambassador @GerardAraud 's @French Team 's World Cup win an "African response: Washington, DC, Juty 18, 2018 Sir I watched with great attention your July 17 show, when you spoke of the victory of the French team at the 2018 Fifa World Cup ussiaM final which took place last Sunday. I heard your words about " African viciory", nolhing could be less true. As many players have already steted themselves, their parents may have cume from another country but a great majority af them (all but two out of 23) were horn in France; they were aducated in France; they learned to play soccer in Frunce; they are French citizens. They ure proud of their country, France. The rich and various backgrounds of these players is a refleution of France's diversity France is indeed a cosmupolitan couniry, but every citizen is part of the rench identity and together they belong to the nalion of France. Unlike in the United States of America, France does not rcfer to hs cltizens based on their race, religion or origin. To us, there is no hyphenated identity, roots are an individual renlily. By calling them an African team, it seenns yuu are denying their Frenchness. This, even in jest, legitimizes the ideology which claims whiteness as the only delfinition of being French Finally, the idenkily of French national team should not be defined by people that are not part af it. The Freach national socoer team's identity shauld- and has, as a matter of fact- been definesd as a group of people living togelher, Fighting together, losing or winning together, illustrating in & perfect and beautiful way a part of our national moto : oquality-ndfraternity Yours sincerely Gdrard](
Trevor Noah's Tweet Controversy
Ariana Gic Perry Tweet
Trevor Noah's Tweet Controversy
Israel Tweet Backlash
![Trevor Noah Following @Trevornoah South Africans know how to recycle like israel knows how to be peaceful RETWEETS FAVORITES 24 8 9:45 AM-2 Jun 2010 Dani Klein @YeahThatsKosher Follow Sad that some1 as ignorant as @TrevorNoah will host @TheDailyShow w/ comments like these. #Israel @StandWithUs 5:15 PM- 30 Mar 2015 77 RETWEETS 47 FAVORITES](
![Trevor Noah Following @Trevornoah South Africans know how to recycle like israel knows how to be peaceful RETWEETS FAVORITES 24 8 9:45 AM-2 Jun 2010 Dani Klein @YeahThatsKosher Follow Sad that some1 as ignorant as @TrevorNoah will host @TheDailyShow w/ comments like these. #Israel @StandWithUs 5:15 PM- 30 Mar 2015 77 RETWEETS 47 FAVORITES](
Trevor Noah's Tweet Controversy
Uppercut Woman Joke
Trevor Noah's Tweet Controversy
Messi Jewish Girl Fellatio Joke
Trevor Noah's Tweet Controversy
Anti-Atheism Jokes
Trevor Noah's Tweet Controversy
Anti-Atheism Christopher Hitchens Tweet
Trevor Noah's Tweet Controversy
Anti-Atheism Tweets (Christopher Hitchens)
Trevor Noah's Tweet Controversy
Teboho in English Slut Joke
Trevor Noah's Tweet Controversy
Olympic Women's Hockey Lesbian Porn Joke
Trevor Noah's Tweet Controversy
White Woman with Ass Unicorn Joke
Trevor Noah's Tweet Controversy
Fat Chicks Joke
Trevor Noah's Tweet Controversy
Fat Woman Joke
Trevor Noah's Tweet Controversy
South African Recycling Israel Peaceful Joke
Trevor Noah's Tweet Controversy
"Jewish Kid" Joke
Trevor Noah's Tweet Controversy