This is what they do

United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit

United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit
Brexit Turkeys

United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit

United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit
Happy #BrexitDay

United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit

United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit
I'm Sorry / I Can't / Don't Hate Me

United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit
Theresa May's Letter to European Council president Donald Tusk

United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit
Theresa May writes Brexit letter to the EU "LOL I have no idea what I'm doing"

United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit
Teresa! I choose you!
United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit
Get ready to swim
United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit
Names for other leaving EU Countries

United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit
Calexit Map

United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit
why Brexit was a good idea

United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit
Un-United Kingdon

United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit
Union Jack best chute

United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit