How EU feels about Brexit:

United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit
Live from the channel tunnel

United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit
oh boy

United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit
Brexit: markets in Chaos, British Pound drops, Cameron quits, and UK be like...

United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit
Scotland might not vote for independence after all

United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit
Just fuck my pound up fam

United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit
EU SpongeGar

United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit
wakey wakey

United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit
David Cameron Resigns

United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit
Praise Kek!

United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit
Brexit Referendum Results Map #2

United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit
Brexit Referendum Results Map #1

United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit
Britain Stranding

United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit
This just in from Obama

United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit
Crashing this plane. With no survivers

United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit
Rule Britannia! Britannia rules the waves!

United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit