Expectation vs. Reality - Images
global climate pls

Expectation vs. Reality
Fantasy vs Reality

Expectation vs. Reality
Sometimes it succeeds. Other times, however

Expectation vs. Reality
Not eggsactly as eggspected

Expectation vs. Reality
Buying Merch

Expectation vs. Reality
See, eye contact can be overrated, I knew it.

Expectation vs. Reality
Profile vs. License

Expectation vs. Reality

Expectation vs. Reality
Internet war not know who they get to people

Expectation vs. Reality
Back home after being released from prison

Expectation vs. Reality
The "Educational" Channels

Expectation vs. Reality
Puberty wasn't nice.

Expectation vs. Reality
The cool driver

Expectation vs. Reality

Expectation vs. Reality
When you find out your middle finger isn't fabulous enough

Expectation vs. Reality

Expectation vs. Reality