Fake History - Images
TF2 Issue #6 WW1

Fake History
American soldiers terrorizing defenseless Vietnamese village, 1967

Fake History
A Photographic History of the Vietnam War, page 16

Fake History

Fake History
Images of the Korean war: Image #38

Fake History
The American Heritage Photo Collection entry #4
![A hippie under the influence of LSD during the Summer ofLove' 01967]](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/211/610/c61.jpg)
![A hippie under the influence of LSD during the Summer ofLove' 01967]](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/211/610/c61.jpg)
Fake History
This show was the sh!t back in the days

Fake History
Vietnam, 1954

Fake History
French prime Minister, 2016

Fake History
Algerian war, 1958

Fake History
Eric Harris moments before he opens fire upon Columbine High School (April 20th, 1999)

Fake History
Photograph of a VCR commercial

Fake History
Trump gives his victory speech after winning the 2016 US Presidential election

Fake History
Stockbroker receives word of the stock market crash of 1929

Fake History
Homeless Man After Stock Market Crash

Fake History
Viet-Cong Soldier Entering a Tunnel

Fake History