Fake History - Images
Communist pingu

Fake History
Sofia and Amber in World War 2 : Battle of Stalingrad

Fake History
You Can't Spell Trotsky Without Icepick.

Fake History
I don't know who this is but he's one badass mofo

Fake History
An American soldier arrives onto the battlefield during D-Day and is immediately shot by a german sh...

Fake History
Saudi Arabian king forces servant to sleep with him

Fake History
A german soldier accidentally opens a canister of mustard gas

Fake History
Dylan Klebold in columbine

Fake History
Flag Over Reichstag

Fake History
Just had to

Fake History
A moment to remember

Fake History
I regret nothing

Fake History
Rare image of wwII, truly captures the horrors of war

Fake History
Jew girl with Chuunibyou begs for her life

Fake History
United States Military Refusing To Accept Transgender Recruit (Circa 2017)

Fake History
Nobody cultivates mass like Chris Christie.

Fake History