Fake History - Trending Images
In a darker timeline where the US lost WW2

Fake History
The First Episode of _Winnie the Pooh_ Is Broadcast in China, 1990

Fake History
Adam Sandler Pitches His New Movie Script to Producers (2010)

Fake History
USA Withdraws from the Vietnam War (1973)

Fake History
Adolph Hitler Meets the Man Who Would Assassinate Him Years Later, 1939

Fake History
George Washington on July 4, 1776

Fake History
The First Video Game Is Invented, 4000 BC

Fake History
Slavic Hospitality

Fake History
Suleiman the Magnificent leads the ottoman troops into Belgrade (1521)

Fake History
American Medics perform autopsy on Italian troops found dead after Iraqi ambush (2003)

Fake History
Donald J. Howard

Fake History
Historical accuracy | /r/PewdiepieSubmissions

Fake History
The Rock is born

Fake History

Fake History
Dashcon more like Trashcon.

Fake History
Monica Melromarc

Fake History
The Secret Agreement

Fake History
You could have stopped this

Fake History
Zeus would see Prometheus punished for his slight.

Fake History
A 90's classic, Steven Universe.

Fake History