Futurama Zoidberg / Why Not Zoidberg?

Futurama Zoidberg / Why Not Zoidberg?

Futurama Zoidberg / Why Not Zoidberg?

Futurama Zoidberg / Why Not Zoidberg?
Why not Homer?

Futurama Zoidberg / Why Not Zoidberg?

Futurama Zoidberg / Why Not Zoidberg?
Want to write erotic fan fiction? Why not have Zoidberg in it?

Futurama Zoidberg / Why Not Zoidberg?
Want to write clopfic? Why not have me Zoidberg have sex with the Ponies?

Futurama Zoidberg / Why Not Zoidberg?
Want To Clop To My Litttle Pony? WHY NOT CLOP TO Zoidberg AS A PONY?

Futurama Zoidberg / Why Not Zoidberg?

Futurama Zoidberg / Why Not Zoidberg?

Futurama Zoidberg / Why Not Zoidberg?

Futurama Zoidberg / Why Not Zoidberg?

Futurama Zoidberg / Why Not Zoidberg?

Futurama Zoidberg / Why Not Zoidberg?

Futurama Zoidberg / Why Not Zoidberg?
why not medic?

Futurama Zoidberg / Why Not Zoidberg?