GamerGate - Trending Videos
Anita Sarkeesian & Zoe Quinn go to the UN to promote Internet Censorship

Anita Sarkeesian & Zoe Quinn go to the UN to promote Internet Censorship
Prison School takes a jab at #Gamergate in the English dub

Prison School takes a jab at #Gamergate in the English dub
(NSFW) What's wrong with current popular video game feminism, and how to fix it. (Tatas Tuesday)

(NSFW) What's wrong with current popular video game feminism, and how to fix it. (Tatas Tuesday)
To Catch a Predator: @srhbutts #FreeEncyclopediaDramatica

To Catch a Predator: @srhbutts #FreeEncyclopediaDramatica
Christina Hoff Sommers Interview About #GamerGate

Christina Hoff Sommers Interview About #GamerGate
SJWs Vs Tifa Lockhart´s breasts (FF7 Remake) And N4G´s censorship - Topic of the week

SJWs Vs Tifa Lockhart´s breasts (FF7 Remake) And N4G´s censorship - Topic of the week
LORD of SMUG - Polygon's PRETENTIOUS Rock Band Article

LORD of SMUG - Polygon's PRETENTIOUS Rock Band Article
Milo Yiannopoulos Schools Crowder On #GamerGate || Louder With Crowder

Milo Yiannopoulos Schools Crowder On #GamerGate || Louder With Crowder
The Common Core/#GamerGate/Brookings Institution/Gates Connection: Debunk THIS! Edition

The Common Core/#GamerGate/Brookings Institution/Gates Connection: Debunk THIS! Edition
TL;DR - The Sound of Crumbling Narratives

TL;DR - The Sound of Crumbling Narratives
Boobs vs Blood, Gaming Inequality

Boobs vs Blood, Gaming Inequality
Afterlife Empire Opening

Afterlife Empire Opening
US Court rulings in favor of video games vs. accusations of real life violence/sexism causations.

US Court rulings in favor of video games vs. accusations of real life violence/sexism causations.
Zoe Quinn lied in court

Zoe Quinn lied in court
Best Friends vs PAX East 2015

Best Friends vs PAX East 2015
The FBI Visited Me Today - Anita Sarkeesian

The FBI Visited Me Today - Anita Sarkeesian
Ben Kuchera versus Gamers

Ben Kuchera versus Gamers
The war on gamers continues

The war on gamers continues
Based Randi #GamerGate

Based Randi #GamerGate
Trigger Warning: #GamerGate Origins