Goku in Super Smash Bros. - Trending Images
Goku in smash

Goku in Super Smash Bros.
Who do you think Joker stole his invite from and how did he pull it off?

Goku in Super Smash Bros.
Sakurai maintains that manga characters will not be allowed in the Smash Bros. series.
Goku in Super Smash Bros.
Fake out

Goku in Super Smash Bros.
Bill Bill Bill Bill
![How did you react when you found out Ridley would finally be a fighter in the game? Trinen: [Laughs] Ridley hits the big time. Bihldorff: We were very happy. Obviously, we're both huge Metroid fans, and it's not something we were ever demanding be in the game, but just like any other Nintendo fan, we were happy to see another Metroid character come in. I Was certainly curious to see him be playable and find out what his move set is. True to form, Mr. Sakurai has clearly done his homework on Ridley and you see reflected in his movies. I'm excited to see what players can do with him. He's a heavier character which is not my forte. He was probably the number one most requested character -this means Goku is next right? He's probably number two. Trinen: [Laughs] Bihldorff: [Laughs] Il aughs [Laughs] [Laughs] Laughs] LLaughsllaughs) [Laughs] Laughs Laughs [Laughs] augh Laughs] auhsl Laughs [Laughs]](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/382/458/697.png)
![How did you react when you found out Ridley would finally be a fighter in the game? Trinen: [Laughs] Ridley hits the big time. Bihldorff: We were very happy. Obviously, we're both huge Metroid fans, and it's not something we were ever demanding be in the game, but just like any other Nintendo fan, we were happy to see another Metroid character come in. I Was certainly curious to see him be playable and find out what his move set is. True to form, Mr. Sakurai has clearly done his homework on Ridley and you see reflected in his movies. I'm excited to see what players can do with him. He's a heavier character which is not my forte. He was probably the number one most requested character -this means Goku is next right? He's probably number two. Trinen: [Laughs] Bihldorff: [Laughs] Il aughs [Laughs] [Laughs] Laughs] LLaughsllaughs) [Laughs] Laughs Laughs [Laughs] augh Laughs] auhsl Laughs [Laughs]](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/382/458/697.png)
Goku in Super Smash Bros.
A message from Mario

Goku in Super Smash Bros.
Goku will never be in Super Smash Bros.

Goku in Super Smash Bros.
Goku in Smash be like

Goku in Super Smash Bros.
I heard you want Goku in Smash

Goku in Super Smash Bros.
im so glad they added goku and freiza to smash

Goku in Super Smash Bros.
Goku will never be in Smash Bros, so sayeth Sakurai, King of Smash.

Goku in Super Smash Bros.

Goku in Super Smash Bros.

Goku in Super Smash Bros.
Goku requests in a nutshell

Goku in Super Smash Bros.

Goku in Super Smash Bros.
Sakurai ragequits

Goku in Super Smash Bros.

Goku in Super Smash Bros.

Goku in Super Smash Bros.
An all-stars casting!

Goku in Super Smash Bros.
Get Over It!

Goku in Super Smash Bros.