Han Shot First - Images
1977: Han shot first. 1997: Greedo shot first. 2018: What are guns?

Han Shot First
Alexander Hamilton's death was a straight up copy of Starwars, smh

Han Shot First
14th Dalai Lama approved

Han Shot First
Ren Shot First

Han Shot First
I have (new) hopes that this will settle the debate

Han Shot First
Almost True

Han Shot First
Alderaan Shot First

Han Shot First
Admitting He Did Shot First

Han Shot First
From the Phineas and Ferb Star Wars special

Han Shot First
Indy Shot First

Han Shot First

Han Shot First

Han Shot First
![File 1374 421 png-(244 KB, 600x330, justiceforgreedo.png) Anonymous (ID: kXPCTBE/) 07/20/13(Sat)23:49:38 No.494588716 Reply] /b/ it is a sad day for our Galaxy Yesterday in Mos Eisley, Tatooine, Han Solo, a white man and self proclaimed "defender of the galaxy" shot and killed unarmed Rodian youth Greedo. Solo was later captured by Imperial StormTroopers but was later released when Solo claimed Greedo shot first and he (Solo) was merely acting in self defense. The Greedo family lawyer is attempting to contact a Hutt whose name has not yet been released to the media as it is suspected that it was the last individual to contact Greedo before his death b/ I wanted to believe Imperial society had moved past this speciesist b------- but I guess we haven't. The Empire is obviously corrupt and we need to make our voices known. I suggest we stage rebellions on Tatooine, Yavin 4, and Hoth to let the Empire know the Galactic Community will not stand for this #JusticeForGreedo](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/578/983/2c2.png)
![File 1374 421 png-(244 KB, 600x330, justiceforgreedo.png) Anonymous (ID: kXPCTBE/) 07/20/13(Sat)23:49:38 No.494588716 Reply] /b/ it is a sad day for our Galaxy Yesterday in Mos Eisley, Tatooine, Han Solo, a white man and self proclaimed "defender of the galaxy" shot and killed unarmed Rodian youth Greedo. Solo was later captured by Imperial StormTroopers but was later released when Solo claimed Greedo shot first and he (Solo) was merely acting in self defense. The Greedo family lawyer is attempting to contact a Hutt whose name has not yet been released to the media as it is suspected that it was the last individual to contact Greedo before his death b/ I wanted to believe Imperial society had moved past this speciesist b------- but I guess we haven't. The Empire is obviously corrupt and we need to make our voices known. I suggest we stage rebellions on Tatooine, Yavin 4, and Hoth to let the Empire know the Galactic Community will not stand for this #JusticeForGreedo](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/578/983/2c2.png)
Han Shot First

Han Shot First

Han Shot First

Han Shot First