Harambe the Gorilla - Images
BAD Mistake Cincinatti Zoo...

Harambe the Gorilla
Harambe for President

Harambe the Gorilla
You Know Who I Feel Bad For?

Harambe the Gorilla
This comment perfectly explains why I love the Harambe meme
![[-] historymajor44 2 points 5 hours ago Here's the thing. These memes keep the tragedy in the news. If the tragedy is still in the news, more people will do something about it to prevent it in the future. permalink embed save report give gold reply [-] 1JustThinkoutloud 8 points 3 hours ago The meme is actually an extreme honor. Harambe is never going to be forgotten. He is part of internet history now. I know for a fact that zoo animals around the world are killed and abused but I don't know anything about them. Harambe is my homie though, and whenever a conversation comes up about zoo animal abuse there is a story that no body will be ignorant too, and that does a lot for the global conversation moving forward about how we treat the animals Harambe is essentially zoo-jesus permalink embed save parent report give gold reply](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/162/475/f83.png)
![[-] historymajor44 2 points 5 hours ago Here's the thing. These memes keep the tragedy in the news. If the tragedy is still in the news, more people will do something about it to prevent it in the future. permalink embed save report give gold reply [-] 1JustThinkoutloud 8 points 3 hours ago The meme is actually an extreme honor. Harambe is never going to be forgotten. He is part of internet history now. I know for a fact that zoo animals around the world are killed and abused but I don't know anything about them. Harambe is my homie though, and whenever a conversation comes up about zoo animal abuse there is a story that no body will be ignorant too, and that does a lot for the global conversation moving forward about how we treat the animals Harambe is essentially zoo-jesus permalink embed save parent report give gold reply](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/162/475/f83.png)
Harambe the Gorilla
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Harambe the Gorilla