Immature High Schoolers - Images

Immature High Schoolers

Immature High Schoolers
Halo > call of duty

Immature High Schoolers
Rap sucks, ok?

Immature High Schoolers
We'll see who the nerd is after high school...

Immature High Schoolers
Being homosexual sure is bad

Immature High Schoolers
That isn't funny

Immature High Schoolers
Overrated movies are overrated

Immature High Schoolers
Pokemon is amazing

Immature High Schoolers
Penises aren't funny

Immature High Schoolers
Teacher can only teach, they can't pass you for doing nothing...

Immature High Schoolers
Family Guy is Funny... Just Not When Quoted Repeatedly...

Immature High Schoolers
Football is overrated

Immature High Schoolers
Dat immaturity

Immature High Schoolers
On a scale of 1-100 how immature are you? 69

Immature High Schoolers
When We Get Old

Immature High Schoolers