Where are they right now? Golfing. Skiing. Warzone.

J.D. Vance "Have You Said Thank You Once?"
PC Principal

J.D. Vance "Have You Said Thank You Once?"
"Did you even say thank you" was the most bitchmade line in history

J.D. Vance "Have You Said Thank You Once?"

J.D. Vance "Have You Said Thank You Once?"
Emo JD Vance

J.D. Vance "Have You Said Thank You Once?"
JD Vance is so annoying. "Did you even say thank you" Nigga kill yourself 😭

J.D. Vance "Have You Said Thank You Once?"
For the last time, Mr. Wonka, I did not try any experimental gum, and frankly I find this entire line of questioning insulting.

J.D. Vance "Have You Said Thank You Once?"
Mooooom! He didn’t say thank you!

J.D. Vance "Have You Said Thank You Once?"
Uncanny Vance

J.D. Vance "Have You Said Thank You Once?"
It's disrespectful if you don't say thank you

J.D. Vance "Have You Said Thank You Once?"
The last group of people that I would count on to defend freedom are the Europeans.

J.D. Vance "Have You Said Thank You Once?"
to the French

J.D. Vance "Have You Said Thank You Once?"
They’re trying to make him look tough with the whiniest quote you could imagine

J.D. Vance "Have You Said Thank You Once?"
"I shared my toys with you, have you said thank you once?"

J.D. Vance "Have You Said Thank You Once?"
fan art
J.D. Vance "Have You Said Thank You Once?"
We got Hype Moments and Aura

J.D. Vance "Have You Said Thank You Once?"