Kevin James Posting - Images
My future wife and I when the doctor calls our name at the abortion clinic

Kevin James Posting
Me looking at the self checkout camera as I scan a TV as a banana

Kevin James Posting
that broke ass friend popping up asking for wings when you're about to order a pizza

Kevin James Posting

Kevin James Posting
When the hot wings beer and pizza in your stomach wake you up after a night out

Kevin James Posting
they just had kevin james doing anything for those king of queens press shoots

Kevin James Posting
finding my girl in the function after i told her my tummy hurt

Kevin James Posting
Who decided Kevin James was gone be the center of memes this month?? 😭😭

Kevin James Posting
me and babe after the musiq soulchild concert

Kevin James Posting
she was the baddest, he was the realest

Kevin James Posting
me when someone at a party asks if I know where their phone is when it's in my back pocket

Kevin James Posting
Asking your coworker if you can hit their pen

Kevin James Posting