King Theoden's "So It Begins" - Images
the plot armour was strong from here on out | /r/FreeFolk

King Theoden's "So It Begins"
Battle of Cram's Deep
King Theoden's "So It Begins"
Robots Evolving

King Theoden's "So It Begins"
What should we have for Thanksgiving, Plant-based meat or Meat-based plant? | /r/memes

King Theoden's "So It Begins"
Am I the only one who recognized the paralell? | /r/PrequelMemes

King Theoden's "So It Begins"
The great battle of travel ban

King Theoden's "So It Begins"
prepare for our doom | /r/memes

King Theoden's "So It Begins"
He we go again | /r/memes

King Theoden's "So It Begins"
Tomorrow is the day!! | r/memes

King Theoden's "So It Begins"
the madlads are actually doing it | r/memes

King Theoden's "So It Begins"
Let them come | r/memes

King Theoden's "So It Begins"
It Begins

King Theoden's "So It Begins"
So it begins

King Theoden's "So It Begins"

King Theoden's "So It Begins"

King Theoden's "So It Begins"