Magneto's "Perfection" - Images
Change my mind...

Magneto's "Perfection"
The real dragon

Magneto's "Perfection"
I prefer the real bowser

Magneto's "Perfection"
The real Bowsette

Magneto's "Perfection"
The Real Bowsette

Magneto's "Perfection"
Already Perfect

Magneto's "Perfection"
alL pOWeR tO thE SoVIEtS

Magneto's "Perfection"

Magneto's "Perfection"
The real Teen Titans

Magneto's "Perfection"
The original Ready Player One

Magneto's "Perfection"
Strong Female Characters

Magneto's "Perfection"
Megneto Likes Real Board Games

Magneto's "Perfection"
Marvel Studios and 20th Century Fox

Magneto's "Perfection"
With the Cells in the Hood

Magneto's "Perfection"
real battle royale

Magneto's "Perfection"
Truly, the representation we need

Magneto's "Perfection"