So apparently whatever the hell this is supposed to be just happened.
Mary Jane's Boyfriend Paul (The Amazing Spider-Man)
Paul with all the ladies from wall to wall
Mary Jane's Boyfriend Paul (The Amazing Spider-Man)
Batman gets Batcucked
Mary Jane's Boyfriend Paul (The Amazing Spider-Man)
Thoughts on the upcoming Paul-Verse?
Mary Jane's Boyfriend Paul (The Amazing Spider-Man)
his girlfriend left him for Paul
Mary Jane's Boyfriend Paul (The Amazing Spider-Man)
The Chad Paul
Mary Jane's Boyfriend Paul (The Amazing Spider-Man)
hating on paul
Mary Jane's Boyfriend Paul (The Amazing Spider-Man)
Screw Paul
Mary Jane's Boyfriend Paul (The Amazing Spider-Man)
They Need To Stop This. I Hate Paul And I Hope Peter and Felicia Are Endgame
Mary Jane's Boyfriend Paul (The Amazing Spider-Man)
I drew a picture of Peter wrecking Paul's shit #epic
Mary Jane's Boyfriend Paul (The Amazing Spider-Man)
Send Paul to the ranch
Mary Jane's Boyfriend Paul (The Amazing Spider-Man)
I don't think there's even been a character I've hated more than comics more than Paul. Every time I see his stupid specky face I wanna punch him.
Mary Jane's Boyfriend Paul (The Amazing Spider-Man)
Thought this fit. Paul looks like the type.
Mary Jane's Boyfriend Paul (The Amazing Spider-Man)
We get it Marvel, Paul is a thing. You don’t need to keep sidetracking the plot to remind us…
Mary Jane's Boyfriend Paul (The Amazing Spider-Man)