Math Lady / Confused Lady - Images
lotta people don't know this, but space is also really noisy
Math Lady / Confused Lady
Solve for tiny itsy bitsy lil' x
Math Lady / Confused Lady
Calculate the hurt of this juice on your bones
Math Lady / Confused Lady
Confused Karen Math
Math Lady / Confused Lady
GIF that keeps on giving
Math Lady / Confused Lady
There's no going back now
Math Lady / Confused Lady
mods be weird
Math Lady / Confused Lady
Narancia can't math
Math Lady / Confused Lady
Math Lady / Confused Lady
*confused cat noises*
Math Lady / Confused Lady
math is hard
Math Lady / Confused Lady
losing track
Math Lady / Confused Lady
Patrick can't basic math
Math Lady / Confused Lady
cutting off everyone
Math Lady / Confused Lady
You said 5 minutes 12 minutes ago!
Math Lady / Confused Lady
curious about what has happened in your life
Math Lady / Confused Lady
you adjusting to a new decade
Math Lady / Confused Lady
Confused Woolie
Math Lady / Confused Lady
2meirl4meirl | r/2meirl4meirl
Math Lady / Confused Lady
does not compute
Math Lady / Confused Lady