#MemeHistory - Images
american education system in action
Making powerpoints would be so great now with all the memes out

Crying Michael Jordan on the Irish Potato Famine (1845 - 1852)

Hitler Commits Suicide (April 30th, 1945)

"Dewey Defeats Truman" Headline Incident (1948)

How did Hitler feel about territory?

Herbert Hoover After the Great Crash of 1929

[The Genesis] Adam & Eve

Adam when God asked who ate the apple

When Moses lead his ppl outta slavery in Egypt & they said they wanted to go back cuz they had no food

Jesus Turns Water Into Wine

Martin Luther's 95 Theses

The Native Americans when Columbus showed up and told them they were Indians

The 16th century Catholic Church when Copernicus said Earth rotates around the sun

Native Americans the day after the first Thanksgiving

These Meme history memes.
