Mildly Interesting - Images
There was a red candy implanted into this peanut
Mildly Interesting
This straw made from straw!
Mildly Interesting
Mildly Interesting
Mildly Interesting
What has the world come to?
Mildly Interesting
Okay, cool
Mildly Interesting
The pyramids from the sky
Mildly Interesting
31 year difference in Dubai
Mildly Interesting
Aerogel, the lightest solid material on the planet
Mildly Interesting
One of the Curiosity Rover's wheels after 11 years on Mars
Mildly Interesting
About 4-5 floors of the World Trade Centre compressed
Mildly Interesting
This is NOT a ship on the ocean
Mildly Interesting
This wild albino squirrel
Mildly Interesting
Throne crib of Napoleon II
Mildly Interesting
Dean man's finger fungi
Mildly Interesting
A pike got stuck in a tree, a bird made a nest in it
Mildly Interesting
This "UFO cloud" has reappeared in the same spot for over 100 years
Mildly Interesting
The only preserved Dodo bird head
Mildly Interesting
These toilets have a sink attached to reuse the water
Mildly Interesting
These KFC cars
Mildly Interesting