Mildly Interesting - Images
This bird feeder sprouted
Mildly Interesting
Expired meat
Mildly Interesting
Freshly pressed olive oil
Mildly Interesting
This headstone
Mildly Interesting
One bench in the Netherlands, one in Germany, one in Belgium
Mildly Interesting
Squirrels are using this user's mailbox to store acorns
Mildly Interesting
This cool frost design
Mildly Interesting
Sand from around the world
Mildly Interesting
This cheese survived a fire
Mildly Interesting
This painted concrete
Mildly Interesting
This shame-wall for shoplifters
Mildly Interesting
This user found this antler in the woods
Mildly Interesting
Head imprints on the airport wall
Mildly Interesting
This house being worked on
Mildly Interesting
A piano left curbside
Mildly Interesting
This hat at the thrift store
Mildly Interesting
This mushroom that looks like a fist
Mildly Interesting
This user found a wedding ring in their yard
Mildly Interesting
The sweat stains look like mountains
Mildly Interesting
These Reese's had no peanut butter
Mildly Interesting