Mildly Interesting - Images
A Store Trying Really Hard to Sell Orange Tic-Tacs

Mildly Interesting
The McDonald's Logo on a Cicada

Mildly Interesting
Deformed Corn

Mildly Interesting
A Flat Fire Extinguisher

Mildly Interesting
Injuries at an Amazon Warehouse

Mildly Interesting
This Floating Table

Mildly Interesting
How to Eat Cheetos to Avoid Getting the Cheese Everywhere

Mildly Interesting
Delivery Robots in the Wild

Mildly Interesting
Pasta Straws, Better than Paper

Mildly Interesting
An Ornamental Hand at Ikea with the Middle Finger Ziptied Down

Mildly Interesting
A Table with a Secret Spiral Staircase

Mildly Interesting
Finding a Bat Inside Your House

Mildly Interesting
A Ball of Salt Found in the Dead Sea

Mildly Interesting
A Movie Theater for Sale, and the Last Movie Shown

Mildly Interesting
Cake Pans Available at the Local Library

Mildly Interesting
A Windshield Crack Shaped like a Bird

Mildly Interesting