Mildly Interesting - Images
A transparent leaf I found this morning | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
A spiraling escalator I found in Japan | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
Using a telescope and a few accessories (software, mount, etc) I took this photo from my backyard | ...
Mildly Interesting
Washington State has a snow rescue goat named Mazama. Here's a picture of him helping out a crew at ...
Mildly Interesting
A pair of scissors from 1820 | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
today was the first time I balanced stones and I just realized it looks like a little wanderer | /r/...
Mildly Interesting
My day planner has the 1st of April upside down to help remember it‘s April Fools‘ Day | /r/mildlyin...
Mildly Interesting
The host of this party has a tortilla blanket | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
This hole in the wall showing the original wallpaper from 1885 | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
I’ve never seen a can of liquid death (water) before. | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
This wing place gives partial gloves to cover the 3 wing fingers and prevent messy hands. | /r/mildl...
Mildly Interesting
Gargoyle throwing up ice | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
This normal sized egg vs this massive egg my chicken laid. | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
This orange seed sprouted inside an orange | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
There were no adverts in my tube carriage last night | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
This bathroom sign at a barcade in Florida | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
the volcano just erupted behind my friends place in Philippines [oc] | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
The chosen drink... | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
A volcano erupted while this wedding was going on, but the show must go on! (Taal Volcano, Philippin...
Mildly Interesting
This tag in my hoodie’s pocket | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting