Mildly Interesting - Images
A random burn on this couch
Mildly Interesting
Wait, what?
Mildly Interesting
Leave it alone
Mildly Interesting
For some reason
Mildly Interesting
And it stuck
Mildly Interesting
"Living wage" fee
Mildly Interesting
This ad on a bus
Mildly Interesting
Ads everywhere
Mildly Interesting
The eclipse, viewed from the ISS
Mildly Interesting
Landscape divided by the railing
Mildly Interesting
A lake that hangs above the ocean
Mildly Interesting
Dragon Head mountain
Mildly Interesting
Fossil of a 37-million-year-old whale skeleton, 65ft long
Mildly Interesting
Very cool stairs
Mildly Interesting
Pencils for giants
Mildly Interesting
A pizza garbage bin
Mildly Interesting
This manual fire alarm
Mildly Interesting
Delivery robots are stuck behind a dead one
Mildly Interesting
A spring onion with a face
Mildly Interesting
This toothpick with a perfect hole
Mildly Interesting