Mildly Interesting - Images
Snow won't stick to this circle on the road

Mildly Interesting
The floors match the shoes

Mildly Interesting
Fortune cookie came with a coupon

Mildly Interesting
New cheese has fingerprints

Mildly Interesting
All of these hearing aid batteries at the retirement home

Mildly Interesting
This is a fibre optic cable landing point

Mildly Interesting
"My girlfriend tears away her egg carton to save space"

Mildly Interesting
This flight only had 13 passengers

Mildly Interesting
This cactus grows instead of flowers

Mildly Interesting
Egyptian knock-off candy

Mildly Interesting
Toffee came with an axe

Mildly Interesting
The big toenail doesn't grow

Mildly Interesting
Worn down steps

Mildly Interesting
A very used knife

Mildly Interesting
Wear at airport security

Mildly Interesting
Soap has corroded it

Mildly Interesting