Mildly Interesting - Images
My happy coffee | /r/mildlyinteresting

Mildly Interesting
The ice on this school busses wheels | /r/mildlyinteresting

Mildly Interesting
A bag made from a kangaroo's nuts. | /r/mildlyinteresting

Mildly Interesting
This Easter Island head | /r/mildlyinteresting

Mildly Interesting
My new dog's puppy teeth look like tetris bricks | /r/mildlyinteresting

Mildly Interesting
The face on my frog sundial broke an its filled with fish | /r/mildlyinteresting

Mildly Interesting
This old screen has Pac-man burnt into it | /r/mildlyinteresting

Mildly Interesting
This KitKat has a special Japanese design. | /r/mildlyinteresting

Mildly Interesting
Every year a group called 'The Cosy Crew' knit christmas toppers for the post boxes in my town. Near...

Mildly Interesting
Spotted these two strangers dressed identically, in the exact same pose, facing each other. | /r/mil...

Mildly Interesting
This intricate jade carving at a hotel in China | /r/mildlyinteresting

Mildly Interesting
This engagement photo I took of my friends looks like a stock photo for some cheesy honeymoon travel...

Mildly Interesting
This pear looks like someone who was stung in the face by a hive of bees | /r/mildlyinteresting

Mildly Interesting
The icicles hanging off our roof look like they are trying to stab our house! | /r/mildlyinteresting

Mildly Interesting
This christmas tree my chemistry teacher made | /r/mildlyinteresting

Mildly Interesting
This old Italian woman transporting a giant barrel on her head like it is no big deal. | /r/mildlyin...

Mildly Interesting