Mildly Interesting - Images
This drop of water on my floor that looks like Australia | /r/mildlyinteresting

Mildly Interesting
This ATM that cupcakes come out of in Tampa, FL. | /r/mildlyinteresting

Mildly Interesting
This guy on The People's Court is wearing the same shirt as me. | /r/mildlyinteresting

Mildly Interesting
That bookmark remembers page as well as line | /r/mildlyinteresting

Mildly Interesting
This McDonalds has a collection box where you can recycle old happy meal toys instead of sending the...

Mildly Interesting
A Beautiful Moth | /r/mildlyinteresting

Mildly Interesting
This clock in a Taiwanese 7-11 has the seven and eleven colored in | /r/mildlyinteresting

Mildly Interesting
This 6-door Prius I saw in a Walmart parking lot. | /r/mildlyinteresting

Mildly Interesting
I was on an airplane about a year ago and got to see day and night at the same time! | /r/mildlyinte...

Mildly Interesting
My coiled-up headphones look like the cookie-monster | /r/mildlyinteresting

Mildly Interesting
The morning dew on my rose bush | /r/mildlyinteresting

Mildly Interesting
These two different sets of shopping baskets at a department store in Bangkok - for those that need ...

Mildly Interesting
The bus I got on this morning had the front door closed and used seats belts to prevent passengers n...

Mildly Interesting
Playstation puts the same symbols on their screws as they do with their controllers. | /r/mildlyinte...

Mildly Interesting
This really large egg one of my hens laid | /r/mildlyinteresting

Mildly Interesting
This plant with leaves on leaves | /r/mildlyinteresting

Mildly Interesting