Mildly Interesting - Images
This is an abandoned luxury housing project in Turkey

Mildly Interesting

Mildly Interesting
This photo is from 1850, the oldest generation of people to be photographed

Mildly Interesting
Iceland's Blue Lagoon parking lot is covered in lava

Mildly Interesting
Sea water under a microscope

Mildly Interesting
This tarantula has both male and female characteristics

Mildly Interesting
The last photo of Anne Frank and her sister

Mildly Interesting
A man was arrested for having 300 tarantulas strapped to him

Mildly Interesting
10,000 year old Giant Sloth caves

Mildly Interesting
The size differences

Mildly Interesting
Johnny Kim, a navy SEAL, a doctor, and an astronaut

Mildly Interesting
Bill Gates' mugshot is the default profile picture for Outlook

Mildly Interesting
The Blue Dragon River in Portugal

Mildly Interesting
The shape of a photon has been discovered

Mildly Interesting
Snake skin found in the yard

Mildly Interesting
Ants up close

Mildly Interesting