Mildly Interesting - Images
An origami Boar I folded. | /r/mildlyinteresting

Mildly Interesting
Mask vending machine in Singapore. Vending 2 free masks to every person who wants them. | /r/mildlyi...

Mildly Interesting
Today I finally saw a tower crane being set up! | /r/mildlyinteresting

Mildly Interesting
These bendy trees I saw on my walk this afternoon. | /r/mildlyinteresting

Mildly Interesting
My buddy has a balloon from the day he was born that is still inflated...over 33 years later. | /r/m...

Mildly Interesting
My tree’s shadow is happy. | /r/mildlyinteresting

Mildly Interesting
Found out that CAH requests that you send complaints in legal threats to Donald Trump and gives a ma...

Mildly Interesting
This screw with no thread.. | /r/mildlyinteresting

Mildly Interesting
My notebook has a randomly printed lowercase “p” on page 36 | /r/mildlyinteresting

Mildly Interesting
Made an old lamp in to a Mic stand. | /r/mildlyinteresting

Mildly Interesting
A tree in my garden has put up a periscope to get more light | /r/mildlyinteresting

Mildly Interesting
This bag of peanut butter filled pretzel bites uses Velcro to reseal instead of Ziploc. | /r/mildlyi...

Mildly Interesting
This mini-fridge deigned to look like an amp | /r/mildlyinteresting

Mildly Interesting
I’m glamping in this stylish airstream for a few days. | /r/mildlyinteresting

Mildly Interesting
A friend of mine found a live butterfly cocoon in her backyard! | /r/mildlyinteresting

Mildly Interesting
This mushroom I found in my yard. | /r/mildlyinteresting

Mildly Interesting