Mildly Interesting - Images
4 month old baby kangaroo (joey). Several more months before she leaves her mothers pouch | r/mildly...

Mildly Interesting
The way sunlight refracts through the glass top of my coffee table | r/mildlyinteresting

Mildly Interesting
The hotel I was staying in had a tree in the middle of the room. | r/mildlyinteresting

Mildly Interesting
This leaf that refused to move | r/mildlyinteresting

Mildly Interesting
This 3kg zucchini we just found in my father's garden | r/mildlyinteresting

Mildly Interesting
Built my rescued guinea pigs their cages. The insides are lit up too. | r/mildlyinteresting

Mildly Interesting
I found a wasp inside one of my raspberries | r/mildlyinteresting

Mildly Interesting
My tomato has ears | r/mildlyinteresting

Mildly Interesting
My family still plays with these ancient uno H2O cards, cool to see how they have aged | r/mildlyint...

Mildly Interesting
This store allows you to build your own pens | r/mildlyinteresting

Mildly Interesting
The corrosion on this water tap looks like a map | r/mildlyinteresting

Mildly Interesting
This is not a boat in an ocean, it's just a tore part of a leather sofa | r/mildlyinteresting

Mildly Interesting
This guitar store I went to yesterday had a pet duck | r/mildlyinteresting

Mildly Interesting
The American food shelf at a local store in Finland | r/mildlyinteresting

Mildly Interesting
Baby's getting x-rays | r/mildlyinteresting

Mildly Interesting
If you were born between July 23-27th 1974 at this hospital, you probably ended up with the wrong fa...

Mildly Interesting