Mildly Interesting - Images
Found a four leafed clover pressed in this old dictionary next to the "cloverleaf" entry | r/mildlyi...
![Jot of a drarnatic or literary work. 3. an clip/board', n a wTitirng board wlth a imb to close gasm.v.t, v.i. 4. to bring to or reach clip at the top for holding papers. climax.cli-mac/tic, adj. imb (im). v.i 1. to move upward or ward the top of sormething. 2. to slope customersertainment, that overcharges pward. 3. to ascend by twining, as a clipped/ form, n. a shortened form of ant 4. to move by using the hands and a word, as deli for delicatessen. et 5. to ascend in rank or fortune. clip/per, n. 1. Onen. pors. a cutting clip joint. n. Stang. a business, esp. a cloth-ing. 1. to provide wtth clothing 2 fo cover close call to clown ing in or passage through; shut. 2. to stop clothes (klöz, klothz), p yarmients for bring together; join: Close up ranks! 4. to clothes line (klöz/ln, Wohz t. 8. to reach ain agreement. 9. close down, clothes/pin (klöz- lathe klost ) m 11. out, a. to reduce the price of (mer- cloth-ier (ktoyer, e er). tt a retailer ad 12. compact; dense. 13. being in cloth ing. n. 1. garmments collectively 2. similar in degree, action, etc.: Dark pink is clo-ture (klo cher), n. a closing of legis 17. let flush with the surface or very cloud (kloud), n. 1. a visible collectiou of tion. 19. not deviating from a model. 20. air. 2. any similar mass, esp. of sinoke or place of ent 122 adv., n. l 1. to block or bar an open- or obstruct (a gap, aperture, etc.). 3. to bring to an end. v 5. to become 123 ands and feet.n. 7. an act or instance esp. a three-masted one. .t. 6. to ascend, esp. by the use of the climbing. 8. a place to be climbed. clip ping. n. an Item citpped from a the body ciosed, clos-ing. adj, clos er, clog.est. tool, esp. shears. 2. a swit saling ship. strong cord on which ctean laundry climb/a-ble, adj.climber, n. lime (klim), n. CUMATE. a device for fastening articles to a clothes line. inch (klinch), v.t. 1. to settle (a matter) group of people.clquish, adieliv Jecisively. 2. to secure (a nail, screw, etc.) quish-ly, adv. cli'quish-neas, n. n position by beating down the protruding clit-o-ris (kliter is). n.. pl. elit-oris-es, 3. to cngage in a clinch in cli-tori-des (kli tôri dez) the ereclle to terminate the operation of. 10. to approach stealthily, as to capture, in newspaper or magazine clique (klEk, kllk), n. a small. exchusive closed. 6. to unite. 7. to come to an end. hung to dry, usu. outdoors. of clothing. oxing. 4. Slang. to embrace passionately. n 5. the act of clinching 6. an act or nstance of a boxer holding an opponent cloak (klök). n. 1. a loose outer gumment, linch/er, n. 1. one that clinches. 2. a cloak/-and-dag/ger, ad pertalnimg to ling (kling), v.I, cluna. cling-ing. 1. to clob-ber kdobar). w.t Informal 1. to bracing, 3. to remain attached, as to a cloche (kdash, klesh). n a wonant's lin-ic (klin/ik), n. 1. a place for the clock' (klok). n. 1. an instrument, nor- place where physicians, dentists, etc.,mally larger than a watch, for measuring clinic. 4. the instruction of medical stu clock (klok). n an embrcidered or wo- ence. <L clinicus < Gk klinikós perclock/wise', adv. 1. in the direcilon of clin/i cal, adi 1. pertalning to a clinic. the rotation of the hands of a dlock-ad a covering. lative debate in order to bring the ques tion to a vote. chandise) for quick sale. b. to liquidate. close to red 15. near in kind or relation ship: a close relative. 16. intimate; dear. organ of the vulva.clit'oral, adi about the arms to prevent punching. 7. Slang, a passionate embrace. ot having proximity in space or time. 14 as a cape or coat. 2. a disguise: pretee. Iv.t. 3. to cover with a cloak. A. to tcde: nearly even or equal: a close contest. 21. dust. 3. anything that causes gloom, trou without opening. 22. confined; namrOw. ble, etc. 4. a great number of insects. 23. stuffy. 24. secretive; reticent. 25. par simonious; stingy. 26. scarce, as money. radv. 27. in a close manner. 28. near: to make obscure. 8. to place under suspi close by.n. 29. the act of closing. 30. cion, disgrace, etc. the end or conclusion.close/ly (klös-), cloudy. declsive fact, argument, etc. conceal. birds, etc.. lying together, t 5. to cover with clouds. 6. to make gloomy. 7 9 to grow short. 18. strict; minute: close investiga particles of water or lce suspended in the esplonage or intrigue. adhere closely. 2. to hold tight, as by em- batter severely. 2. to defeat decistvy idea, cling/or, n -Idiom. 10. have one's head in the clouds. a. to be lost in reverie, b. to be impractical. 11. under a cloud, in disgrace; under suspicion. -aloud/iss. close-fitting, bell-shaped hat medical treatment of outpatients. 2. a adv.close/ness (klos/-), n close call (klos), n. a narrow escape from danger. closed-cap/tioned, adj. (of a television adj. cloud/y. ad. --or, -ost. program) broadcast with captions visible cloud/burst, n a sudden and very practice together. 3. a group convening for instruction or remedial work: a reading and recording time..t time with a stopwatch. dents by treating patients in their pres- heavy rainfall. ven design on the side af a sock or stock fect happiness. clout (klout). n. 1. a blow, esp. with the taining to a sickbed] tem of televising by cable to designated viewing sets. only with the use of a decoding device. shop/, n. a business establish- hand. 2. Informal. the ability to Infiuence which union membership is a decisions, esp. those made by public of employment. st/e (klös-), adj. stingy: mi- clove (klöv), n. the dried flower bud of a closed-cir/cuit tel/evision, n. a sys- cloud/ nine. n. Informal. a state of per. 2. concerned with actual treatment of pa- tients rather than experimentation or the clock/work, n. 1. the mecharism of a 2. directed clockwise ory. 3. dispassionately analytic.clin/i clock Idiom. 2. ike clockwork, with figures.v.t. 3. to hit or cuff. tropical tree. used whole or ground as a spice. cal-ly, adv. clieni-cian (kli nish/en), n. a physiclan, clod (klod). n. 1. a lump, esp. of earth or perfect regularity. psychologist, etc.. who is involved in the clay. 2. a stupid person.-cloddish, adj g. adj. (of a garment) fit-clove (klöv), n. a small section of a buib, treatment of patients. clink' (klingk), v.i v.t. 1. to make or clodhoppers, heavy shoes. cause to make a light, sharp, ringing ciog (kog. klog). v., clogged, clog-ding. ser clod/hop/por, n. 1. a dumsy boor. 2. ugEythe body. it, adj. tightly united or con- clove (klov), v. a pt. of CLEAVE. as of garlic. Clo uthed, adj. reticent; uncom- clven, v. 1. a pp. of CLEAVE.adi. 2. municative. close/eut (kloz-), n. a sale on mer- Clo.ver (klovar). n. any of various plants chandise at greatly reduced prices. clos et (kloz/it), n. 1. a small room or cabinet for storing clothing, utensils, etc. Clover leaf, n., pl. -leafs, -leaves. a v.t. 2. to shut up in a private room for a conference, interview, etc. close/up/ (klos/-), n. 1. a photograph taken at close range. 2. an intimate view of anything. clo sure (klo zhor), n. 1. the act of clos- ing or state of being closed. 2. a conclu- sion or end. 3. something that closes. 4. sound.-n. 2. a clinking sound. clink (klingk), n. Slang. a jail. clink/er', n. 1. a mass of Incombustible irmpedes movement. 4. a shoe with a matter fused together, as in the burning of thick sole of wood, cork, etc. coal. 2. a hard Dutch brick. clink/er, n. Slang. a mistake or error. Clin ton (klin/tn), n. William Jefferson thin metal bands. (Bl), born 1946, 42nd president of the clois ter (kloi/ster), n. 1. a covered walk U.S. since 1993 cli-o-met-rics (kle/o me/triks, klivo-), n. a courtyard. 2. a place of religlous seclu- the study of historical data by the use of Sion, as a monastery or convent.v.t. 3. statistical techniques. clio-met/ric, adicli/o-me trivcian (-mi trishon), n. clip' (dip), v.. clipped, clip-ping. n.-v.t clone (klon), n., v., cloned, clon-ing. 1. to cut, cut off, or trim, as with shears. 2. to cut the hair or fleece of; shear. 3. to identical to the individual from which t cut short. 4. Informal. to hit with a quick, sharp blow. 5. Slang. to swindle.v.l. 6. organisms. 2. a person or thing that to clp something. 7. to move swiftly.-n 8. the act of clipping. 9. anything clipped function, etc.-v.i., v.t. 3. to grow or of. 10. Informal. a quick, sharp blow. 11. cause to grow as a clone. rate; pace: at a rapid clip. clip (klip), n., v, clipped, clip-ping. -n.-n. 1. a sound made by or as if by a 1. a device that grips and holds tightly. horse's hoof.-v.i. 2. to make or move vi. 2. to fasten with or as if with a with such a sound. cilp. n.v.t. 1. to hinder or obstruct.v2 to become clogged. -n. 3. anything that cleft; split. with leaves of three leaflets and dense flower heads. cloi-son né (kloi/ze nan), n. enamelwork in which colored areas are separated by road arrangement for permitting traffic movement between two intersecting high- speed highways. having an open arcade and opening onto to confine, as in a cloister. clomp (klomp), v.i. CLUMP (def. 4). -n. 1. a. an organism that is genetically clot (klot), n., v., clot-ted, clot-ting.-n. 1. a semisolid mass, as of coagulated blood.-v.i., v.t. 2. to form into clots; co- agulate. cloth (klôth, kloth), n., pl. cloths (klôthz, klothz, klôths, kloths), adj.-n. 1. a fabric made by weaving. felting, or knitting and used for garments, upholstery, etc. 2. a piece of such a fabric for a particular pur- clown (kloun). n. 1. a comic pose: an altar cloth. 3. the cloth, the clergy.adj. 4.made of cloth. clothe (kloth). v.t., clothed or clad, CLOTURE. was asexually derived. b. a group of such closely resembles another in appearance, cloverleaf clop (klop), n., v., clopped, clop-ping. esp. in a circus, who entertains mime, tumbling, etc. 2. a pra boor or fool.v.i. 4. to act close (v., n. klöz; adj., adv. klös), v.](
![Jot of a drarnatic or literary work. 3. an clip/board', n a wTitirng board wlth a imb to close gasm.v.t, v.i. 4. to bring to or reach clip at the top for holding papers. climax.cli-mac/tic, adj. imb (im). v.i 1. to move upward or ward the top of sormething. 2. to slope customersertainment, that overcharges pward. 3. to ascend by twining, as a clipped/ form, n. a shortened form of ant 4. to move by using the hands and a word, as deli for delicatessen. et 5. to ascend in rank or fortune. clip/per, n. 1. Onen. pors. a cutting clip joint. n. Stang. a business, esp. a cloth-ing. 1. to provide wtth clothing 2 fo cover close call to clown ing in or passage through; shut. 2. to stop clothes (klöz, klothz), p yarmients for bring together; join: Close up ranks! 4. to clothes line (klöz/ln, Wohz t. 8. to reach ain agreement. 9. close down, clothes/pin (klöz- lathe klost ) m 11. out, a. to reduce the price of (mer- cloth-ier (ktoyer, e er). tt a retailer ad 12. compact; dense. 13. being in cloth ing. n. 1. garmments collectively 2. similar in degree, action, etc.: Dark pink is clo-ture (klo cher), n. a closing of legis 17. let flush with the surface or very cloud (kloud), n. 1. a visible collectiou of tion. 19. not deviating from a model. 20. air. 2. any similar mass, esp. of sinoke or place of ent 122 adv., n. l 1. to block or bar an open- or obstruct (a gap, aperture, etc.). 3. to bring to an end. v 5. to become 123 ands and feet.n. 7. an act or instance esp. a three-masted one. .t. 6. to ascend, esp. by the use of the climbing. 8. a place to be climbed. clip ping. n. an Item citpped from a the body ciosed, clos-ing. adj, clos er, clog.est. tool, esp. shears. 2. a swit saling ship. strong cord on which ctean laundry climb/a-ble, adj.climber, n. lime (klim), n. CUMATE. a device for fastening articles to a clothes line. inch (klinch), v.t. 1. to settle (a matter) group of people.clquish, adieliv Jecisively. 2. to secure (a nail, screw, etc.) quish-ly, adv. cli'quish-neas, n. n position by beating down the protruding clit-o-ris (kliter is). n.. pl. elit-oris-es, 3. to cngage in a clinch in cli-tori-des (kli tôri dez) the ereclle to terminate the operation of. 10. to approach stealthily, as to capture, in newspaper or magazine clique (klEk, kllk), n. a small. exchusive closed. 6. to unite. 7. to come to an end. hung to dry, usu. outdoors. of clothing. oxing. 4. Slang. to embrace passionately. n 5. the act of clinching 6. an act or nstance of a boxer holding an opponent cloak (klök). n. 1. a loose outer gumment, linch/er, n. 1. one that clinches. 2. a cloak/-and-dag/ger, ad pertalnimg to ling (kling), v.I, cluna. cling-ing. 1. to clob-ber kdobar). w.t Informal 1. to bracing, 3. to remain attached, as to a cloche (kdash, klesh). n a wonant's lin-ic (klin/ik), n. 1. a place for the clock' (klok). n. 1. an instrument, nor- place where physicians, dentists, etc.,mally larger than a watch, for measuring clinic. 4. the instruction of medical stu clock (klok). n an embrcidered or wo- ence. <L clinicus < Gk klinikós perclock/wise', adv. 1. in the direcilon of clin/i cal, adi 1. pertalning to a clinic. the rotation of the hands of a dlock-ad a covering. lative debate in order to bring the ques tion to a vote. chandise) for quick sale. b. to liquidate. close to red 15. near in kind or relation ship: a close relative. 16. intimate; dear. organ of the vulva.clit'oral, adi about the arms to prevent punching. 7. Slang, a passionate embrace. ot having proximity in space or time. 14 as a cape or coat. 2. a disguise: pretee. Iv.t. 3. to cover with a cloak. A. to tcde: nearly even or equal: a close contest. 21. dust. 3. anything that causes gloom, trou without opening. 22. confined; namrOw. ble, etc. 4. a great number of insects. 23. stuffy. 24. secretive; reticent. 25. par simonious; stingy. 26. scarce, as money. radv. 27. in a close manner. 28. near: to make obscure. 8. to place under suspi close by.n. 29. the act of closing. 30. cion, disgrace, etc. the end or conclusion.close/ly (klös-), cloudy. declsive fact, argument, etc. conceal. birds, etc.. lying together, t 5. to cover with clouds. 6. to make gloomy. 7 9 to grow short. 18. strict; minute: close investiga particles of water or lce suspended in the esplonage or intrigue. adhere closely. 2. to hold tight, as by em- batter severely. 2. to defeat decistvy idea, cling/or, n -Idiom. 10. have one's head in the clouds. a. to be lost in reverie, b. to be impractical. 11. under a cloud, in disgrace; under suspicion. -aloud/iss. close-fitting, bell-shaped hat medical treatment of outpatients. 2. a adv.close/ness (klos/-), n close call (klos), n. a narrow escape from danger. closed-cap/tioned, adj. (of a television adj. cloud/y. ad. --or, -ost. program) broadcast with captions visible cloud/burst, n a sudden and very practice together. 3. a group convening for instruction or remedial work: a reading and recording time..t time with a stopwatch. dents by treating patients in their pres- heavy rainfall. ven design on the side af a sock or stock fect happiness. clout (klout). n. 1. a blow, esp. with the taining to a sickbed] tem of televising by cable to designated viewing sets. only with the use of a decoding device. shop/, n. a business establish- hand. 2. Informal. the ability to Infiuence which union membership is a decisions, esp. those made by public of employment. st/e (klös-), adj. stingy: mi- clove (klöv), n. the dried flower bud of a closed-cir/cuit tel/evision, n. a sys- cloud/ nine. n. Informal. a state of per. 2. concerned with actual treatment of pa- tients rather than experimentation or the clock/work, n. 1. the mecharism of a 2. directed clockwise ory. 3. dispassionately analytic.clin/i clock Idiom. 2. ike clockwork, with figures.v.t. 3. to hit or cuff. tropical tree. used whole or ground as a spice. cal-ly, adv. clieni-cian (kli nish/en), n. a physiclan, clod (klod). n. 1. a lump, esp. of earth or perfect regularity. psychologist, etc.. who is involved in the clay. 2. a stupid person.-cloddish, adj g. adj. (of a garment) fit-clove (klöv), n. a small section of a buib, treatment of patients. clink' (klingk), v.i v.t. 1. to make or clodhoppers, heavy shoes. cause to make a light, sharp, ringing ciog (kog. klog). v., clogged, clog-ding. ser clod/hop/por, n. 1. a dumsy boor. 2. ugEythe body. it, adj. tightly united or con- clove (klov), v. a pt. of CLEAVE. as of garlic. Clo uthed, adj. reticent; uncom- clven, v. 1. a pp. of CLEAVE.adi. 2. municative. close/eut (kloz-), n. a sale on mer- Clo.ver (klovar). n. any of various plants chandise at greatly reduced prices. clos et (kloz/it), n. 1. a small room or cabinet for storing clothing, utensils, etc. Clover leaf, n., pl. -leafs, -leaves. a v.t. 2. to shut up in a private room for a conference, interview, etc. close/up/ (klos/-), n. 1. a photograph taken at close range. 2. an intimate view of anything. clo sure (klo zhor), n. 1. the act of clos- ing or state of being closed. 2. a conclu- sion or end. 3. something that closes. 4. sound.-n. 2. a clinking sound. clink (klingk), n. Slang. a jail. clink/er', n. 1. a mass of Incombustible irmpedes movement. 4. a shoe with a matter fused together, as in the burning of thick sole of wood, cork, etc. coal. 2. a hard Dutch brick. clink/er, n. Slang. a mistake or error. Clin ton (klin/tn), n. William Jefferson thin metal bands. (Bl), born 1946, 42nd president of the clois ter (kloi/ster), n. 1. a covered walk U.S. since 1993 cli-o-met-rics (kle/o me/triks, klivo-), n. a courtyard. 2. a place of religlous seclu- the study of historical data by the use of Sion, as a monastery or convent.v.t. 3. statistical techniques. clio-met/ric, adicli/o-me trivcian (-mi trishon), n. clip' (dip), v.. clipped, clip-ping. n.-v.t clone (klon), n., v., cloned, clon-ing. 1. to cut, cut off, or trim, as with shears. 2. to cut the hair or fleece of; shear. 3. to identical to the individual from which t cut short. 4. Informal. to hit with a quick, sharp blow. 5. Slang. to swindle.v.l. 6. organisms. 2. a person or thing that to clp something. 7. to move swiftly.-n 8. the act of clipping. 9. anything clipped function, etc.-v.i., v.t. 3. to grow or of. 10. Informal. a quick, sharp blow. 11. cause to grow as a clone. rate; pace: at a rapid clip. clip (klip), n., v, clipped, clip-ping. -n.-n. 1. a sound made by or as if by a 1. a device that grips and holds tightly. horse's hoof.-v.i. 2. to make or move vi. 2. to fasten with or as if with a with such a sound. cilp. n.v.t. 1. to hinder or obstruct.v2 to become clogged. -n. 3. anything that cleft; split. with leaves of three leaflets and dense flower heads. cloi-son né (kloi/ze nan), n. enamelwork in which colored areas are separated by road arrangement for permitting traffic movement between two intersecting high- speed highways. having an open arcade and opening onto to confine, as in a cloister. clomp (klomp), v.i. CLUMP (def. 4). -n. 1. a. an organism that is genetically clot (klot), n., v., clot-ted, clot-ting.-n. 1. a semisolid mass, as of coagulated blood.-v.i., v.t. 2. to form into clots; co- agulate. cloth (klôth, kloth), n., pl. cloths (klôthz, klothz, klôths, kloths), adj.-n. 1. a fabric made by weaving. felting, or knitting and used for garments, upholstery, etc. 2. a piece of such a fabric for a particular pur- clown (kloun). n. 1. a comic pose: an altar cloth. 3. the cloth, the clergy.adj. 4.made of cloth. clothe (kloth). v.t., clothed or clad, CLOTURE. was asexually derived. b. a group of such closely resembles another in appearance, cloverleaf clop (klop), n., v., clopped, clop-ping. esp. in a circus, who entertains mime, tumbling, etc. 2. a pra boor or fool.v.i. 4. to act close (v., n. klöz; adj., adv. klös), v.](
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