Mildly Interesting - Images
Four different locks on this hotel door
Mildly Interesting
TV screen melted in the sun
Mildly Interesting
The coin this laundry machine gave
Mildly Interesting
The patterns on this leaf
Mildly Interesting
The shape of this puzzle piece
Mildly Interesting
Outlet cover that lines up with the wall
Mildly Interesting
Grey spoon turned green
Mildly Interesting
When a fire meets freezing temperatures
Mildly Interesting
Hydrant in the middle of this driveway
Mildly Interesting
This user's arm glows under UV
Mildly Interesting
These bathroom lights
Mildly Interesting
This meal deciding dice
Mildly Interesting
A metre of spaghetti
Mildly Interesting
Scratched the world into this lighter
Mildly Interesting
Printer rejects printing money
Mildly Interesting
This door with 14 deadbolts
Mildly Interesting
This cloud
Mildly Interesting
Don't ask questions
Mildly Interesting
The Corpus museum
Mildly Interesting
1984 smart watch
Mildly Interesting