Mildly Interesting - Images
These bathroom lights
Mildly Interesting
This meal deciding dice
Mildly Interesting
A metre of spaghetti
Mildly Interesting
Scratched the world into this lighter
Mildly Interesting
Printer rejects printing money
Mildly Interesting
This door with 14 deadbolts
Mildly Interesting
This cloud
Mildly Interesting
Don't ask questions
Mildly Interesting
The Corpus museum
Mildly Interesting
1984 smart watch
Mildly Interesting
A concept for a navigation system from the 1950s
Mildly Interesting
2020 as seen in 1993
Mildly Interesting
Old diving suits
Mildly Interesting
They aren't wrong
Mildly Interesting
VR in 1989
Mildly Interesting
A vision of future cars from 1980
Mildly Interesting
TV from the 2000s with a SEGA built-in
Mildly Interesting
Trans-Atlantic cable car concept
Mildly Interesting
Nuke-proof city designed in 1969
Mildly Interesting
A spacesuit prototype from 1962
Mildly Interesting