Mildly Interesting - Images
This carpet shop advertised it's shop like a cinama and change the movies names like carpet wars | /...
Mildly Interesting
Target's card scanner broke so they improvised. | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
This leaf imprint in the road markings | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
the right pedal on my piano has been polished by my socks over the years. | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
This jalapeño looks like cats face | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
Angel Oak Tree ~ 400-500 years old | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
Nate has his own sign for lane closures | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
A wonky book store | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
My local biscuit shop has a sign showing you how many miles you have left to the drive-thru | /r/mil...
Mildly Interesting
Eclipse on a Bird's Wing | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
My parents have this old fire extinguisher dates back to 1901-1903 | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
The lift buttons are on a book on the shelf | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
The way this ice formed over a pothole in my driveway. | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
Finally found a stall with no gaps in America | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
Last month I was infested by fruit flys in my appartement. So I let this little guy and he ate most ...
Mildly Interesting
Coasters even for people who don't live near a coast :) | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
I Built a Hurdy Gurdy... | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
This auto-pencil sharpener has sequential lights to indicate the sharpness of the pencil as your sha...
Mildly Interesting
This Target outside of Marathon, TX | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
My family is making ornaments out of molding putty. I’m terrible at crafts and just put some paint o...
Mildly Interesting