Mildly Interesting - Images
How much you save with the library
Mildly Interesting
This shower drain
Mildly Interesting
Rice pointing upwards after cooking
Mildly Interesting
Freckles in a line
Mildly Interesting
Tortoise broke through the fence
Mildly Interesting
A downed cable laying on the ground
Mildly Interesting
Two Smart cars fit in one space
Mildly Interesting
Mildly Interesting
Who's that in the corner
Mildly Interesting
Post, and pre-inflation mac and cheese
Mildly Interesting
This vegetable is called: ??????
Mildly Interesting
Gotta climb to use
Mildly Interesting
This high security toilet
Mildly Interesting
Low water pressure from small stones
Mildly Interesting
Lyft driver that holds a stuffed bunny while driving
Mildly Interesting
Traffic cones resembling Mount Fuji
Mildly Interesting
This "influencer free zone"
Mildly Interesting
Spilled pasta water dried into crystals
Mildly Interesting
Tiny Statue of Liberty in a park in Paris
Mildly Interesting
The print of the pan transferred to the pancakes
Mildly Interesting