Mildly Interesting - Images
Slice of 565 year old tree with significant events labeled on the rings | /r/mildlyinteresting
![1997) Courthouse renovations completed Tarmers Marhet opens 1995) 1961)-South. Memarial Hospital opens Walter Cecil Rawls Llbrary opens-(1958) Sesems lacerporated-1946) (1955)-South. High School opens Jahn Glens 9 day erbit-199) C.W. Darden, Jr. elected Govenor-(1942) Chenapeake Camp Corp. formed-1936) Capron Incorporated-(1926)| (1929)-Dr. Rufus L Ralford opens Clinie 1965)-Tidewater News estaklished (1905)-Irer & Branchville Incorporated (1991 Gell War (1969)-Nel Armstreng walu 2s moon Jerusalem renamed Courtland 1888) (1887-Camp Manaf. Co. la Est. (1945)-Atemie Bomb dropped WWII Ends (1941-Pearl Harbor Bembed Franklin is incorporated-(1876) 167-Rev. Joseph Gregory elected to Senate I8631-Courtland Bap. Church esed as Hospital Woodrow Wilson 8th Pres-(1912) (1931-Star Spangled Baner Net. Athem O(1853Jerusalem Plank Rd. bullt (1903)-Wright Bros. First Flight (L899)-Spanlab Ameriean War (1831)-Nat Turner's Iasurrection (1870)-VA re-admitted to the Unjan Model T Ferd latrodaced(1905) 1791)-Settlement of Jerusalem Est. (1771)-1st formed school opened William Mahone bern at Monroe-(1826) (1863)-West VA formed from VA Statue ef Lberty-(1886] (1885)-Wanhingten Monment dedicnted Nottoway & St. Lukes Established-H1762 1861)-VA battleground of Civil War Tacle Tem' Cabla1882) Ist Court House Completed-[1752) 179-Ist Court held at Elizabeth Ricks (18491-Zachary Taylor President (1865)-Lee urrenden-r ends (1863)-Gettesburg Address (1861 Ciril War Begina 1749)-South. Co. formed from Isle of Wight (1541-V.P. John Tyler becomes Pres. (1841-Wm Henry Harrinon Pres. (1849-CalL. Geld Rush Cherokre Trail of Tearn-(1835) (1833)-Monroe-Doctrine in Efect 1809)James Madison President Wash DC-Caral U3-(1800 (1791)-Bl of Rights 1801)-Thomas Jellerion 7.caldent Geerge Perbiarlon-lst Pres1780) 179-Ketay VA 10th State (1788) (1775)-Am Revolution begins 1775-P. Henry- Glve me liberty speech (1789)-George Wanhlngton Let Pres. 1781 Coma surrendery at Yorktoown (1773)-Boston Tea Party Am. Pop. 250,000-(1700) 6 Hary College Founded-(1692) (1585)- ALAR rs Bacca's Relallion41676) BARCO's PeheUlon-1576) rerand in Plymouth Mass-(1620 1619)--Aaeriea's Finl Rep. Govt. (1611-King James Bible Published (1607)Jamestown Coleny (1607-Jamestowa coloay settled Roanoke Colony lost-(1590) (1587)-VA Dare born W. Raleigh settled R. Ialand-(1584) The Hand Site (lndian Town)-(1580 (1507)-Am. named Vespucci Col. Dis. Am-(1492) 100 YEAR SPACING (1433)-Tree Sprouted 30 TEAR SACING OFd meran History Wute Sau hampton County History TAue - Virgir,a History relkw - 50 Year Spacing Crem- 100 Year Spacing 565-year-old ter River in Southampton 8, 1998. This = the base of the "Rings of Time" iscovered an history are ates in In addition to the ma mankind, trees provic and climatic record. Many species of tree The width of the ring i year is determined pa partly by external fact climatic conditions, I a narrow ring, wherea climatic conditions an within a particular are rings. ving trees in ars and some erna in the past of baldcypress This science is mine past his kind of mat hardahips at used in part by 1749 RINGS OF TIE This makes it possible that a parti ac tree rings of ilo stump with A 200-year-old tree wl rings in cocarmon with doun au nundred yea sve jeopLng patterns a buibi.ngs and trees pre dendrochronologists (s 1999 Presented to Southampton County On the 25oh Ansiverary Cst B Parker sequence of annual ri succeeded in establishi certain area, of back to enable archaeologi ts buildings of whiche how climatic ocnikm area to ac accuracy of Carbon-14](
![1997) Courthouse renovations completed Tarmers Marhet opens 1995) 1961)-South. Memarial Hospital opens Walter Cecil Rawls Llbrary opens-(1958) Sesems lacerporated-1946) (1955)-South. High School opens Jahn Glens 9 day erbit-199) C.W. Darden, Jr. elected Govenor-(1942) Chenapeake Camp Corp. formed-1936) Capron Incorporated-(1926)| (1929)-Dr. Rufus L Ralford opens Clinie 1965)-Tidewater News estaklished (1905)-Irer & Branchville Incorporated (1991 Gell War (1969)-Nel Armstreng walu 2s moon Jerusalem renamed Courtland 1888) (1887-Camp Manaf. Co. la Est. (1945)-Atemie Bomb dropped WWII Ends (1941-Pearl Harbor Bembed Franklin is incorporated-(1876) 167-Rev. Joseph Gregory elected to Senate I8631-Courtland Bap. Church esed as Hospital Woodrow Wilson 8th Pres-(1912) (1931-Star Spangled Baner Net. Athem O(1853Jerusalem Plank Rd. bullt (1903)-Wright Bros. First Flight (L899)-Spanlab Ameriean War (1831)-Nat Turner's Iasurrection (1870)-VA re-admitted to the Unjan Model T Ferd latrodaced(1905) 1791)-Settlement of Jerusalem Est. (1771)-1st formed school opened William Mahone bern at Monroe-(1826) (1863)-West VA formed from VA Statue ef Lberty-(1886] (1885)-Wanhingten Monment dedicnted Nottoway & St. Lukes Established-H1762 1861)-VA battleground of Civil War Tacle Tem' Cabla1882) Ist Court House Completed-[1752) 179-Ist Court held at Elizabeth Ricks (18491-Zachary Taylor President (1865)-Lee urrenden-r ends (1863)-Gettesburg Address (1861 Ciril War Begina 1749)-South. Co. formed from Isle of Wight (1541-V.P. John Tyler becomes Pres. (1841-Wm Henry Harrinon Pres. (1849-CalL. Geld Rush Cherokre Trail of Tearn-(1835) (1833)-Monroe-Doctrine in Efect 1809)James Madison President Wash DC-Caral U3-(1800 (1791)-Bl of Rights 1801)-Thomas Jellerion 7.caldent Geerge Perbiarlon-lst Pres1780) 179-Ketay VA 10th State (1788) (1775)-Am Revolution begins 1775-P. Henry- Glve me liberty speech (1789)-George Wanhlngton Let Pres. 1781 Coma surrendery at Yorktoown (1773)-Boston Tea Party Am. Pop. 250,000-(1700) 6 Hary College Founded-(1692) (1585)- ALAR rs Bacca's Relallion41676) BARCO's PeheUlon-1576) rerand in Plymouth Mass-(1620 1619)--Aaeriea's Finl Rep. Govt. (1611-King James Bible Published (1607)Jamestown Coleny (1607-Jamestowa coloay settled Roanoke Colony lost-(1590) (1587)-VA Dare born W. Raleigh settled R. Ialand-(1584) The Hand Site (lndian Town)-(1580 (1507)-Am. named Vespucci Col. Dis. Am-(1492) 100 YEAR SPACING (1433)-Tree Sprouted 30 TEAR SACING OFd meran History Wute Sau hampton County History TAue - Virgir,a History relkw - 50 Year Spacing Crem- 100 Year Spacing 565-year-old ter River in Southampton 8, 1998. This = the base of the "Rings of Time" iscovered an history are ates in In addition to the ma mankind, trees provic and climatic record. Many species of tree The width of the ring i year is determined pa partly by external fact climatic conditions, I a narrow ring, wherea climatic conditions an within a particular are rings. ving trees in ars and some erna in the past of baldcypress This science is mine past his kind of mat hardahips at used in part by 1749 RINGS OF TIE This makes it possible that a parti ac tree rings of ilo stump with A 200-year-old tree wl rings in cocarmon with doun au nundred yea sve jeopLng patterns a buibi.ngs and trees pre dendrochronologists (s 1999 Presented to Southampton County On the 25oh Ansiverary Cst B Parker sequence of annual ri succeeded in establishi certain area, of back to enable archaeologi ts buildings of whiche how climatic ocnikm area to ac accuracy of Carbon-14](
Mildly Interesting
My steaks look like cross-sections of human heads. | /r/mildlyinteresting

Mildly Interesting
This loose strap has made a perfectly clean circle on this truck. | /r/mildlyinteresting

Mildly Interesting
Over 100 broken arrowheads/artifacts found in my backyard | /r/mildlyinteresting

Mildly Interesting
Just two horses at the Ride-Thru the Burger King | /r/mildlyinteresting

Mildly Interesting
evenly slurped both flavors | /r/mildlyinteresting

Mildly Interesting
Girlfriend picked up this new bathmat for the apartment | /r/mildlyinteresting

Mildly Interesting
Dishwasher at my friend's place displays the remaining time on the floor | /r/mildlyinteresting

Mildly Interesting
This T-Rex shaped cactus | /r/mildlyinteresting

Mildly Interesting
This sign in Cava Mezze restroom | /r/mildlyinteresting

Mildly Interesting
The lights in the conference room I'm sitting in produce coloured shadows | /r/mildlyinteresting

Mildly Interesting
My hotel alarm clock has two faces. One facing the bed and one facing the room. | /r/mildlyinteresti...

Mildly Interesting
Tyson Jost in: “The Number 3” | /r/mildlyinteresting

Mildly Interesting
The Scream, recreated entirely from Legos. | /r/mildlyinteresting

Mildly Interesting
This urinal runs android | /r/mildlyinteresting

Mildly Interesting
Oil leaking from the bottom of a washing machine = gross spin art | /r/mildlyinteresting

Mildly Interesting