Mildly Interesting - Images
An alternative Disney logo
Mildly Interesting
Number 1 license plate
Mildly Interesting
Ribbon in the birds nest
Mildly Interesting
A peculiar warning
Mildly Interesting
Matching bench and bike rack
Mildly Interesting
A wooden escalator
Mildly Interesting
Sink sprayer.
Mildly Interesting
Sealed water bottles but with different levels.
Mildly Interesting
Using same paper to check pens.
Mildly Interesting
Pine cones storage.
Mildly Interesting
End of rainbow.
Mildly Interesting
Old cipher notebook.
Mildly Interesting
Metric system.
Mildly Interesting
These stairs.
Mildly Interesting
Perfectly peeled orange but with different hands.
Mildly Interesting
This laptop's webcam.
Mildly Interesting
Step-moms needed.
Mildly Interesting
Bathroom wall made of pennies.
Mildly Interesting
17 of hearts.
Mildly Interesting
Cool shaped mushroom.
Mildly Interesting