Mildly Interesting - Images
Paw prints in the bricks used to build the 110 year-old house I'm living in. | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
Bought my son a fish. He named it "Blueberry". | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
My Grandpa is a truck driver and got to keep this damaged box of unpackaged cheez-its | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
This neighbor made a snow dinosaur | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
This titanium coated butter knife with internal copper alloy heat tubes. It’s made to heat up by being in your hand to make spreading butter easier. | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
The log I split had a perfectly formed branch inside | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
Neighbor threw out an onion... | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
My grape had a mini grape assistant attached. | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
This toilet role dispenser in the toilet of a local café | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
I took a close up photo of the oily bubbles in my coffee. | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
Temperature records in the garage of my childhood home. | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
Gray-eyed kitten i've found in a restaurant today | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
My local library is built over top of a river | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
My wife turned this old industrial wire whip for an 80 qt mixer into a light in our kitchen | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
This drinking fountain is 145 years old | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
A tree growing out of a tree stump | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
My grandfather kinda looked like a young Tom Hanks. | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
Ancient Rome didn't actually use IV for 4, the used four Is instead. This is on the colosseum, gate 44 (apologies for bad photo) | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
These starfish-shaped skateboard stoppers on the front curb of a beachfront home | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
Caught this weird corkscrew cloud. Can't say I've ever seen one like it before. | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting